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Photo by Susan Bourgoin of

Craft Bar Timeline

As far as I know the term “craft bar” came from Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff. His first published book, The Craft of the Cocktail: Everything You Need to Know to Be a Master Bartender, officially kick-started the modern craft culture movement.


Between the 1950s and 1990s (and into the beginning of the millennium), most bars in America used inferior fabricated ingredients, yet recipe books from the 1800s through the 1940s called for fresh ingredients. If you made a Whiskey Sour, you used fresh lemon juice. Margarita? Fresh lime juice. Quality and freshness is the foundation of what the modern-day craft cocktail movement is about. It is nothing new—your grandmother did it this way. We just forgot, or wanted to cut costs, and allowed companies to capitalize on the ignorance of the masses.


Many craft bars hand-make their own syrups and mixers, seek out forgotten spirits, have different ice choices, and incorporate little-used spices and herbs. They peruse vintage recipe books and put fresh artisanal spins on new creations. It can be compared to a passionate chef studying classic cookbooks and then making his or her own sauces, soups, pasta, breads, etc., from scratch. For many years in restaurants, there has been a huge disconnect between the kitchen and the bar. But today—finally—quality in both food and drink is offered by most restaurant/bar venues.


DeGroff is credited with watering the cocktail renaissance seeds in the late 1980s. The New York Times declared he was “single-handedly responsible for what’s been called the cocktail renaissance.” With lots of liquid sunshine, the seed grew to around thirty craft bars in America by 2005 and by 2018, the number reached over 1000. 

American Craft Cocktail Beginnings Timeline


Many bars in San Francisco did not experience a cocktail revolution because they never stopped making classic cocktails with fresh ingredients. Some of these bars include Henry Africa’s, the Zuni Café, Balboa Café, BIX Jazz Bar, Dartmouth Social Club, Golden Gate Grill, Enrico’s, and Stars.


Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff heads up restaurateur Joe Baum’s restaurant Aurora making classic cocktails he learned in Jerry Thomas’s 1862 book.



Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff begins a gourmet approach to recreating classic cocktails at restaurateur Joe Baum’s current project, the Rainbow Room in New York City (65th floor of 30 Rockefeller Plaza).


Del Pedro makes fresh classic cocktails at celebrity-owned Sam’s Café in New York City (100 Crescent Court, Suite 140). He then went on to work at Les Halles, the Hotel Knickerbocker, Grange Hall, and Pegu Club, and in 2012 opened his own bar called Tooker Alley in Brooklyn (793 Washington Avenue).


Brother Cleve takes a bartender position at his friend’s bar, Hoodoo BBQ in Boston (97 Massachusetts Avenue) and introduces a classic cocktail menu.


Barnaby Conrad III publishes Absinthe: History in a Bottle.



Kathy Casey pioneers the kitchen-to-bar-chef movement. She develops and rolls out the first craft cocktail program on a cruise ship.



Julio Bermejo at Tommy’s Mexican Restaurant makes a decision to be rid of all the inferior tequilas and brings in 100 percent blue agave tequilas. Bermejo starts a tequila club and by 1999, Tommy’s was the epicenter number-one tequila bar in America.


Bartender Murray Stenson serves classic cocktails at Il Bistro in Seattle, Washington (93 Pike Street).


Chris Israel and Bruce Carey open Zefiro, the first fresh classic bar in Portland, Oregon (500 Northwest Twenty-First Avenue). They bring on Peggy Boston as bar manager and she puts out a classic cocktail menu.



Gary Regan publishes The Bartender’s Bible.



Paul Harrington is recognized in San Francisco’s Bay Guardian. The title of the article reads, “The Lost Art of Mixology; An Enrico’s bartender rediscovers Cuban Cocktails.” Paul talks about making Mojitos, Aviations, and Hemmingway Daiquiris.


Bartender Danny Rosenberg offers a menu of recipes he found in old cocktail recipe books at Grange Hall in New York City (50 Commerce Street). Co-workers include Toby Maloney and Del Pedro.


Steve Olson aka Wine Geek starts a beverage consulting company.



NOLA scientist Ted A. Breaux becomes intrigued by the Old Absinthe House and actively researches the mysterious spirit.


While working on the John Hughes film Baby’s Day Out in Chicago, Ted Haigh spots a sign that reads “Chicago’s Oldest Wine & Spirits Merchant.” Every weekend, he buys buy up vintage (and extinct) bottles that include Abbott’s bitters, 1930s gin, and vintage crème de menthe, then ships them home to California. His new hobby of collecting and researching vintage cocktail culture is born.


Inspired by Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff, Francis Schott starts a fresh bar program at his restaurant, Stage Left, in New Brunswick, New Jersey (5 Livingston Avenue).



Jeff “Beachbum” Berry begins his search for the original Zombie ingredients (it takes eleven years).


Beverage director Steve Olson, along with Tom Colicchio and Danny Meyers, opens Gramercy Tavern and introduces fresh crafted and classic cocktails in New York City (42 East Twentieth Street).



The first cocktail websites are launched on a new media platform called the World Wide Web. Websites that focus on fresh classic cocktails are:

Paul Harrington aka “The Alchemist” of (defunct) puts out a beautiful color cocktail section of classic cocktails complete with history and notes on the first commercial web magazine: (defunct).


Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller launch (defunct) on Halloween. They now own


Author and beverage consultant Robert Plotkin launches


Check my research on all the other first cocktail related websites on my First Websites Page .


Tony Abou-Ganim becomes inspired in 1993 after meeting Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff at the Rainbow Room. By 1995, Tony introduces fresh classic cocktails at Harry Denton’s Starlight Room at the Sir Francis Drake Hotel in San Francisco (450 Powell Street).


Steve Olson begins teaching “Gin Cocktail Clinics” helping consumers make fresh and classic cocktails in their homes. The clinics lasts for five years and employs over 100 bartenders as consultants teaching the program in six major cities in America, reaching up to 300 consumers per show, with as many as 25 bartenders working the show with Olson.  The list of people who worked with the clinics includes Don Lee, Jim Meehan, Phil Ward, Eric Alperin, Jon Santer, Carlos Yturria, Jacques Bezuidenhout, Misty Kalkofen, Sean Kenyon, John Lermayer, Tad Carducci, Charles Joly, right hand Leo DeGroff, and the ringleader, Andy Seymour.


Julie Reiner learns classic cocktails from Linda Fusco at the Red Room in San Francisco (827 Sutter).


Peggy Boston opens the fresh bar program at Saucebox in Portland, Oregon. Bartenders included Lucy Brennan and Marcovaldo Dionysos.


Nick Mautone makes his own cocktail onions, brandied cherries, and more for fresh cocktails at Gramercy Tavern in New York City (42 East Twentieth Street).



Dale DeGroff sets up the Pravda bar program and trains the bar staff in New York City (281 Lafayette Street) Among the bartenders are Jason Kosmas and Dushan Zaric.


Todd Thrasher heads up the bar at Café Atlantico in Washington, DC (405 Eighth Street) and adds five Latin cocktails to the menu that include Caipirihna, Caipiroska, Mojito, Pisco Sour, and a traditional Bolivian drink called the Shoofly. In 1991, Thrasher trekked to see Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff at the Rainbow Room.


Dave Nepove makes fresh cocktails at Enrico’s in San Francisco for ten years. He earns the nickname Mr. Mojito.


Steve Olson and Doug Frost travel the world for five years teaching the Sterling School of Service and Hospitality Spirits Program—a one-day bartender spirits certification class. In 1997, I attend their class at Walt Disney World.


Paulius Nasvytis squeezes fresh juice and makes classic cocktails at the Velvet Tango Room in Cleveland, Ohio (2095 Columbus Road). By 2005, VTR is a full craft cocktail bar.


Marcovaldo Dionysos makes classic cocktails as a daytime bartender at Enrico’s Sidewalk Café in San Francisco (504 Broadway). Later he works at the Absinthe Brasserie & Bar, Bourbon & Branch, Harry Denton’s Starlight Room, and Smuggler’s Cove.

Yokocho Japanese Restaurant opened in Greenwich Village in 1994 (8 Stuyvesant Street), but by 1996, Japanese trained bartender Shinichi Ikeda begins training bartenders in Angel’s Share—a secret bar behind a door inside the restaurant—how to make classic craft cocktails with hand-chipped ice. Rules posted on the door say: “No more than four people in a group, no standing, no screaming, and no shouting.”


Ted A. Breaux obtains his first unopened bottles of pre-ban absinthe.


Steve Olson sets up the bar program at Mirezi in New York City (59 Fifth Avenue) with Asian-inspired handcrafted cocktails.



F. Paul Pacult publishes the groundbreaking book Kindred Spirits: The Spirit Journal Guide to the World’s Distilled Spirits and Fortified Wines.

Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff sets up the bar program at the Greatest Bar on Earth on top of the World Trade Center in New York City (107th floor in Tower One).


George Delgado tends bar in the Windows Bar on top of the World Trade Center in New York City, making classic and fresh cocktails. The night before 9/11/2001, he teaches a cocktail and spirits class.


Julie Reiner is featured on the front page of the food section in the New York Times using seasonal fresh fruits, spices, and tea while tending bar at C3 in the Washington Square Hotel in New York City (103 Waverly Place).

Quench, on the Food Network, brings cocktails to TV with hosts Andrea Immer Robinson and Steve Olson.

The Happy Hour, a nationally syndicated radio show with Paul Pacult and Gary Regan, introduces cocktails to the consumers.

Dale DeGroff invites Audrey Saunders to help work special events with him at the Rainbow Room.

Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller publish Shaken Not Stirred: A Celebration of the Martini.


Josh Childs opens Silvertone Bar & Grill in Boston with a fresh and classic bar program.

Gary Regan publishes New Classic Cocktails.



Paul Harrington and Laura Moorhead publish the game-changing Cocktail: The Drinks Bible for the 21st Century. It was based on the cocktail section of classic cocktails at


Bill Russell-Shapiro and Eric Vreede open the craft bar Absinthe Brassiere & Bar in San Francisco (398 Hayes Street). Bartenders included Scott Beattie and Marcovaldo Dionysos.


Patrick Sullivan opens B-Side Lounge—considered Boston’s first fresh classic cocktail bar (92 Hampshire Street). Brother Cleve helps with the cocktail menu and tends bar for three years. Other bartenders include Misty Kalkofen, John Gertsen, Jackson Cannon, Dylan Black, Dave Cagle, Joe McGuirk, and Andy McNees.

Tony Abou-Ganim is hired to bring classic fresh cocktails to all twenty-three bars at Bellagio in Las Vegas (3600 Sout Las Vegas Boulevard). Included in the opening is Bridget Albert, who becomes Abou-Ganim’s protégé.


Jeff “Beachbum” Berry publishes Beachbum Berry's Grog Log.



Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff and Audrey Saunders head up the craft bar Blackbird in New York City (60 East Forty-Ninth Street).


Tobin Ellis opens a craft and classic cocktail bar with a tequila focus hidden behind an unmarked door and up a flight of stairs above a pizza shop in Syracuse, New York, called the Stoop (309 West Fayette Street).


Toby Cecchini opens Passerby in New York City (436 West Fifteenth Street).

Steve Olson sets up the craft bar program at Russian Tea Room in New York City (150 West Fifty-Seventh Street).

Marion’s Continental on the Bowery serves fresh craft cocktails in New York City (354 Bowery).

Eleven Madison Park restaurant serves classic cocktails in New York City (11 Madison Avenue).

David Wondrich begins to update the online version of Esquire’s 1949 Handbook for Hosts.


Gary Regan launches


The Campbell Apartment in New York City serves classic cocktails (Grand Central Terminal, 15 Vanderbilt Avenue).


Ted A. Breaux becomes the first to analyze vintage absinthe using modern science, the results sparking a paradigm shift in our understanding of the infamous spirit.

Inspired by Angel’s Share, Sasha Petraske opens Milk & Honey on New Year’s Eve in New York City (134 Eldridge Street).


Chris Hannah makes fresh cocktails at the Duck News Café in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina (1564 Duck Road). Later, in 2004, Hannah heads up the French 75 Bar in New Orleans (813 Bienville Street).



Sasha Petraske hires his first bartender, Toby Maloney, at Milk & Honey in New York City. Other employees to follow include Christy Pope, Joseph Schwartz, Wilder Schwartz, Kelvin Perez, Elizabeth Sun, and Chad Solomon.


Ryan Magerian joins Kathy Casey Food Studios and develops global fresh craft bar programs.


Lucy Brennan opens the craft bar Mint in Portland, Oregon (816 North Russell Street).

Ted Haigh launches


Drew Levinson begins to travel with Steve Olson designing innovative beverage programs for nationally acclaimed restaurants.

Gary Regan begins conducting a series of two-day bartender workshops called Cocktails in the Country. And Jonathan Pogash is one of the first students.


Jonathan Pogash starts tending bar at the Russian Tea Room following Steve Olson’s fresh juice program.


Jamie Boudreau launches his Spirits and Cocktails blog (


Carlos Yturria tends bar at Bakar making classic cocktails in San Francisco (448 Brannan Street).



Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff publishes the book that officially kicks off the craft cocktail movement, The Craft of the Cocktail: Everything You Need to Know to Be a Master Bartender.


Principal bartender John Gertsen works with bar manager Ryan McGrale to create a fresh classic cocktail program at No. 9 Park in Boston (9 Park Street).

Murray Stenson serves classic cocktails at Zig Zag Café in Seattle, Washington (1501 Western Avenue #202).


Sasha Petraske opens Milk & Honey in London in 2002 (61 Poland Street).


Duggan McDonnell serves fresh classic cocktails at Wild Ginger in Seattle, Washington (1401 Third Avenue).

Tales of the Cocktail—the first cocktail festival—is launched in New Orleans by Ann Rogers.


Jeff “Beachbum” Berry publishes Intoxica.

William Grimes publishes Straight Up or On the Rocks: The Story of the American Cocktail.


Eastern Standard opens in Boston, which radicalizes the way those in Boston look at the art of cocktail making (528 Commonwealth Avenue).


LeNell’s Boutique Liquor Shop opened in Brooklyn (416 Van Brunt Street).


Julie Reiner opens Flatiron Lounge, the first high-volume craft cocktail bar in New York City (37 West Nineteenth Street). Bar staff includes Katie Stipe, Lynnette Marrero, John Blue, Phil Ward, Brian Miller, Toby Maloney, Dushan Zaric, and Jason Kosmas.

Eben Freeman becomes known as a molecular mixologist at WD-50, a molecular gastronomy restaurant and bar in New York City (50 Clinton Street).


Murray Stenson becomes head bartender at the Zig Zag Café.

Gary Regan publishes The Joy of Mixology.


The Museum of the American Cocktail is founded in New Orleans by Dale and Jill DeGroff, Chris and Laura McMillian, Ted Haigh, Robert Hess, Phil Greene, and Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller.

Ted Haigh publishes Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails.

Dushan Zaric and Jason Kosmas open the award-winning bar Employees Only in New York City (510 Hudson Street).



Stefan Trummer takes craft cocktails to another level at Upstairs at Bouley in New York City (130 West Broadway).

Jeff “Beachbum” Berry publishes Taboo Table.


Brian Van Flandern serves classic crafted cocktails as head barman at Michelin three-star restaurant Per Se in New York City. One year later, he is credited for starting the global “tonic water” revolution by creating his own tonic water from scratch.


Bartender and drink blogger Jeffrey Morgenthaler launches his drink blog Later, Morgenthaler heads up the award-winning Clyde Common in Portland, Oregon. Morgenthaler is also credited with making barrel-aged cocktails popular.



Sasha Petraske opens Little Branch in New York City (22 Seventh Avenue South).


Chemist turned bartender Darcy O’Neil launches his blog Art of Drink. O’Neil goes on to write the award-winning book Fix the Pumps and also resurrects extinct drink products such as acid phosphate, lactart, and Abbott’s bitters.


Audrey Saunders opens Pegu Club in New York City (77 West Houston Street). Bar staff included Toby Maloney, Chad Solomon, Phil Ward, Jim Meehan, Sam Ross, and Brian Miller.


Jim Meehan begins working at Gramercy, then moves on to Pegu Club.


Dave Arnold starts working at the French Culinary Institute.


Paul Clarke launches the first blog dedicated to the cocktail, Cocktail Chronicles.

David Wondrich publishes Killer Cocktails.


Jeff “Beachbum” Berry ends his search for locating the original Zombie ingredients.


Derek Brown starts a cocktail blog, DC Drinks.



Sasha Petraske, Christy Pope, and Chad Solomon start Cuffs & Buttons—a beverage consultant and catering company. In 2014, Christy Pope and Chad Solomon open their own bar, Midnight Rambler in Dallas, Texas (1530 Main Street).


Jamie Boudreau opens the craft bar Vessel in Seattle, Washington (624 Olive Way). Then in 2011 Boudreau opens the award-winning Canon in Seattle (928 Twelfth Avenue).


Charlotte Voisey—sounds like “noisy”—is one of the first brand ambassadors and princesses of the cocktail world, handpicked by William Grant & Sons to represent Hendrick’s gin.


Wayne Curtis publishes And a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails.


Popular drinks writer Camper English launches the Alcademics drink blog.


Karen Foley publishes the award-winning drinks magazine Imbibe.

San Francisco Cocktail Week starts its first year.

Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller publish Mixologist: The Journal of the American Cocktail Vol. 1.

Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff, Steven Olson, Doug Frost, Paul Pacult, David Wondrich, and Andy Seymour open Beverage Alcohol Resource (BAR) in New York City.

Todd Smith and Jon Santer open Bourbon & Branch in San Francisco (501 Jones Street).

The bartenders of Absinthe Brassiere & Bar publish Art of the Bar.


Francis Schott opens the restaurant Catherine Lombardi with a fresh craft cocktail bar in New Brunswick, New Jersey (3 Livingston Avenue).


Dave Kaplan and Alex Day open Death + Co. on New Year’s Eve in New York City (433 East Sixth Street).


Todd Thrasher opens his first bar, PX, in Alexandria, Virginia (728 Kings Street).



Don Lee starts training behind the bar at Death & Co., then in the same year helps Jim Meehan at PDT. He invents fat washing by infusing bacon with Bourbon and creates the Benton’s Old-Fashioned.


Eric Seed brings Rothman and Winter crème de violette back into America after being unavailable for almost ninety years.


Eben Freeman he opens his own bar Tailor (505 8th Avenue).


Natalie Bovis launches


Greg Boehm begins to reproduce and publish old cocktail books.

Jeff “Beachbum” Berry publishes Sippin’ Safari.

Lucid absinthe becomes the first wormwood absinthe allowed back into the United States after being banned for ninety-five years—thanks to Ted A. Breaux and Veridian Spirits LLC.


Duggan McDonnell opens his craft bar Cantina in San Francisco.

Head mixologist Toby Maloney opens the Violet Hour in Chicago (1520 North Damen Avenue).


St. Germain elderflower liqueur is introduced.


Paul Tanguay and Tad Carducci launch Tippling Bros.—a beverage consulting company.

Jim Meehan opens PDT in New York City (9113 East Marks Place). The telephone booth entrance creates headlines and the TV talk show host Jimmy Fallon talks about it on his show.


Michael Martensen begins a fresh craft bar program at the Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek in Dallas, Texas.


David Wondrich publishes the James Beard Award-winning Imbibe!

Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller publish Mixologist: The Journal of the American Cocktail Vol. 2.


Tobin Ellis is selected as the number-one bartender in America to compete against Bobby Flay in his TV show Throwdown! with Bobby Flay, making Ellis the first successful award-winning flair bartender to cross over to the craft cocktail world.


Tony Abou-Ganim publishes Modern Mixology.


Colin Kimball launches the Small Screen Network and brings professional online bartending videos to the cocktail community.



Julie Reiner opens Clover Club in Brooklyn, New York (210 Smith Street). The opening bar staff includes Ms. Franky Marshall, Nate Dumas, Brad Farran, Giuseppe Gonzalez, and Tom Chadwick. Ms. Franky Marshall went on to work at Monkey Bar, the Tippler, Dead Rabbit, and Holiday Cocktail Lounge.


Sasha Petraske opens White Star absinthe bar in New York City (22 Seventh Avenue South).


Robert Hess publishes The Essential Bartender’s Guide.


Pernod Ricard USA partners with some of the most highly respected American spirits professionals to launch BarSmarts—an advanced bartender training program. The trainers include Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff, Steve “Wine Geek” Olson, Doug Frost, F. Paul Pacult, Andy Seymour, and David Wondrich.


Scott Beattie publishes Artisanal Cocktails.


Roberto Sequeira launches Gläce Luxury Ice, which offers high-quality ice spheres (balls) and large cubes delivered to your door.

Bridget Albert publishes Market Fresh Mixology.

Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff publishes his second book, The Essential Cocktail.


John Lermayer is handpicked by rock star Lenny Kravitz and Morgans Hotel Group Vice President of Nightlife Ben Pundole to create a cutting-edge beverage program for the Delano in Miami Beach.


New Orleans becomes the first city in the world to vote in an official city cocktail—the Sazerac.


Natalie Bovis publishes the first nonalcoholic craft mocktail book Preggatinis: Mixology for the Mom-to-Be.


Cocktail Kingdom is launched, selling high-quality master mixology bar tools.



Sasha Petraske opens Los Angeles’s first craft bar, the Varnish, with Eric Alperin and Cedd Moses (118 East Sixth Street).


Brian Van Flandern publishes Vintage Cocktails.


Sasha Petraske opens Dutch Kills in Long Island City, New York (27–24 Jackson Avenue).


Phil Ward opens his bar, Mayahuel (304 East 6th Street).


Kate Gerwin opens Casa Vieja restaurant in Corrales, New Mexico with a fresh craft bar program.

I help add a Master Mixology section of bar tools.


Kathy Casey’s book Sips & Apps is published and in the book, Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff  mentions her as the first bar chef.


Philip Ward and Ravi DeRossi head up Mayahuel in New York City (304 East Sixth Street).


Tobin Ellis launches Social Mixology, the world’s first pop-up speakeasy series, which makes underground appearances in New York, Honolulu, Los Angeles, New Orleans, Aspen, Las Vegas, San Francisco, and Miami. 




The millennial generation takes the wheel. Yeah, they tend to be narcissistic, don’t understand why they need to pay their dues—run before they can walk—but look where they drove the cocktail culture: they steered away from the speakeasy-styled bars and created casual hangs such Prizefighter, Honeycut, and Mother’s Ruin, they opened dive craft bars, tiki bars, and soda fountain bars, grew their own herbs, created barrel-aged cocktails, advanced molecular mixology, cocktails on tap, cold maceration, flair bartenders crossed over to mixology and vice versa, Red Rover Bartenders (celebrity bartenders swapped/traveled to bartend at other bars), organized pop up bars, produced commercial artisanal syrups, waters, bitters, and more, experimented with plant-based milk, focused on mezcal, tequila, moonshine, and genever forward cocktails, made tattooed bartenders cool, started ice programs, popularized Japanese bar tools, produced their own bar tools, presented food and cocktail pairings, started their own cocktail events, and most importantly, won James Beard Awards. They are not done. In 2018, they have started a serious push to go straw-less for environmental reasons. Previous generations are very proud, but their only regret is not having the Internet / social media bartender community back in their day.


Craft Cocktail Revolution is Over, Now What?





This is the American cover. The European cover has a flame.

21_02 copy.jpg

2006 photo by David Kressler for DeGroff's second book, The Essential Bartender: The Art of Mixing Perfect Drinks.

Illustration from Jill Degroff from



Public Domain photo of the Rainbow Room by  bradfordschultze


Photo from Kathy

Bay Guardian August 1992 Paul Harrington

San Francisco’s Bay Guardian article courtesy of Paul Harringtion.


Robert Plotkin in 2011 from his Facebook page.


Dave Nepove in 2007 from his Facebook page.


Marcovaldo Dionysos in 2016 from his Facebook page.


Ted A. Breaux in 2008 from his Facebook page.


Julie Reiner in 2012 from her Facebook page.


Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller from

Art of Beachbum Berry by Brad Abelson from Beachbum's Facebook page.


Tobin Ellis in 2010 from his Facebook page.


2007 Me and Gary Regan at Tales of the Cocktail. This is our first photo and in-person meeting.


2008 Sasha Petraske at Tales of the Cocktail.


Jonathan Pogash from his facebook page.


Jamie Boudreau in 2007 from his Facebook page.


Eben Freeman from his Facebook page.


Dushan Zaric and Jason Kosmas. Photo from Simon & Schuster.


Darcy O'Neil from his Facebook page.


2009 Christy Pope and Chad Solomon from Christy's Facebook page.

Craft Bars in America

In 2014, my publisher for the 4th Edition of The Everything Bartender's Book asked me to add a list of craft bars in America. I let them know it wasn't like it was ten years ago, and there are now many in each state. They said they still wanted it. So I worked on it then when I got up to 400 I contacted them and asked if they wanted me to continue. I stopped at 400. When the book was released I noticed that they cut the entire chapter, so I contacted them again asking about all the craft bars across America chapter, and they said they needed to cut it for word count. Then in 2018, it got cut again for my 16th book The Cocktail Companion


Below are the bars I researched. I do not plan to keep up with all the bars that have closed or opened.



41st Street Pub & Aircraft Sales—Birmingham
130 Forty-First Street South, Suite 105 •

Classic cocktail happy hours, crafted cocktails, you are allowed to bring in your own food, and it’s a great place to watch your favorite game.


Carrigan’s Public House—Birmingham

2430 Morris Avenue •

Offers craft cocktails, food, and $5 Old-Fashioneds on Wednesdays.


Highlands Bar & Grill—Birmingham

2011 Eleventh Avenue South •
Features a white marble bar top, classic cocktails, French cuisine, and oysters on the half shell at the bar.


The Collins—Birmingham

2125 Second Avenue North
Custom-made craft cocktails, elevated comfort food, and a giant periodic table of the elements as a backdrop for the backbar.


Haberdasher Bar—Mobile

451 Dauphin Street  •

Craft and classic cocktails, rotating craft beer, fresh handmade food, twenty-one-plus, and no table service.




Capital Bar & Grill—Little Rock

111 West Markham Street  •

Award-winning bar and grill with a devotion to handmade classic and custom cocktails. This is the gathering spot of choice for Little Rock’s business and political leaders.

Local Lime—Little Rock

17815 Chenal Parkway •

Fresh Tex-Mex food and fresh cocktails.

South on Main—Little Rock

1304 South Main Street  •

Restaurant performance venue with craft cocktails.



Carthay Circle Lounge—Anaheim

Disney California Adventure Park • 1313 South Disneyland Drive

Grand entrance, dimly lit, swanky signature cocktails served in unique glassware and bar bites.


Hammer Workshop & Bar—Anaheim

440 South Anaheim Boulevard •

The building used to be a packing house. They offer original and classic handcrafted cocktails of the highest quality, and pub food, in a fun interactive atmosphere.


The Blind Rabbit—Anaheim

440 South Anaheim Boulevard •

Craft cocktail speakeasy with rules: enter through the sake barrels, exit through the bookcase, no baseball caps, no shorts, no logo shirts, no flip-flops, you can only stay for ninety minutes, no switching seats, no talking on cell phones, text only, no flash photos, and no flashlights.


East Bay Spice Company—Anaheim

2134 Oxford Street •

Crafted cocktails, food and spiced shandy happy hours.


The Pub at Chino Hills—Chino Hills

577 Pine Avenue, Suite A •

A British gastropub with high-end drinks and craft beers.


Arc Restaurant Food & Libations—Costa Mesa

3321 Hyland Avenue Suite F •

Their cocktail program is dedicated to American spirits paired perfectly with European liqueurs with hand-cut ice. They serve brunch, lunch, and dinner as well and their tagline is “Dirty. Sexy. Happiness.”


Pie Society—Costa Mesa

353 East Seventeenth Street  •
Offers unique libations, classic cocktails, and delicious fare.


Wild Goose Tavern—Costa Mesa

436 East Seventeenth Street  •

Serves straightforward, excellent cocktails, seasonal beers, and elevated pub grub in a space that is casual with vintage décor reminiscent of a hunting lodge saloon.


Lock & Key Social Drinkery—Downy

11033 Downy Avenue •
They offer craft cocktails, craft beer, and craft burgers.



6702 Hollis Street •
Offering world-class cocktails in a casual and fun environment. You are encouraged to bring your own food.


The Famous—Glendale

154 South Brand Boulevard •
Cocktails served are identical to those served nearly a hundred years ago when the building was constructed.


Roxane’s—Long Beach

1115 East Wardlow Road •
Have fun in Roxanne’s, then make your way to the back of the bar and go through the telephone booth to enter the Exhibition Room. Lots of rules for this room, so check the website first.


The Stache Bar—Long Beach

941 East Fourth Street •

Classic cocktails with house-made ingredients.


Bar Marmont—Los Angeles

8171 West Sunset Boulevard •
Inside the Chateau Marmont hotel, and it’s a legendary Hollywood celebrity haunt.

Black Market Liquor Bar—Los Angeles

11915 Ventura Boulevard •

A Studio City craft cocktail bar and restaurant.


Blind Barber—Los Angeles

10797 West Washington Boulevard •

Dive bar behind a barbershop, this lounge offers craft cocktails and modern pub bites in a hip setting.

A West Hollywood craft cocktail bar.


Cana Rum Bar—Los Angeles

714 West Olympic Boulevard •

A $20 annual membership is required.


Copa d’Oro—Los Angeles
217 Broadway •
A sophisticated Santa Monica craft lounge.

Harvard & Stone—Los Angeles
5221 Hollywood Boulevard •

Buzzy bar with a factory-like vibe that offers inventive cocktails, live music, and burlesque nights.


Library Bar—Los Angeles

630 West Sixth Street, Suite 116-A •

Tucked away in the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. They have a seasonal cocktail menu.


Michael's—Los Angeles

1147 Third Street •

A Santa Monica restaurant and bar that practices farm-to-glass mixology.


Pour Vous—Los Angeles

5574 Melrose Avenue •

A Parisian-style club with craft cocktails, velvet banquettes, live music, and burlesque dancers.


Sassafrass—Los Angeles

1233 North Vine Street •

A Hollywood craft bar in a house that was transported from Savannah, Georgia.


Shorebar—Los Angeles

112 West Channel Road •

Santa Monica beach-club inspired craft cocktail bar.


The Doheny Room—Los Angeles
714 West Olympic Boulevard •
A private member’s-only cocktail lounge inside the historic Petroleum Building.

The Edison—Los Angeles
108 West Second Street •
Once a power plant and now a craft bar opened and run by some of the best cocktail celebrities in the business.

Oldfields Liquor Room—Los Angeles
10899 Venice Boulevard •
A Culver City classic cocktail bar.


The Roger Room—Los Angeles

370 North La Cienega Boulevard •

West Hollywood’s first modern speakeasy. It is hidden behind the sign advertising a psychic.


Seven Grand—Los Angeles
515 West Seventh Street, Second Floor •

It has a historic men’s club feel with an antique pool table and taxidermy with a large whiskey selection.


Tiki-Ti—Los Angeles
4427 Sunset Boulevard •
A Hollywood tiki bar.

The Varnish—Los Angeles
118 East Sixth Street •
Opened by Eric Alperin and Sasha Petraske, this bar is considered the godfather of Los Angeles’s craft cocktail movement. A Prohibition-era style bar that was opened by some of the best cocktail celebrities in the business. Located behind Cole’s French Dip Sandwich shop behind an unmarked door. Oh, this is where Ryan Gosling learned how to make an Old-Fashioned for the 2011 film Crazy, Stupid, Love.


Jack Rose Libation House—Los Angeles

18840 Saratoga Los Gatos Road •

Serving artisan cocktails with a patio and a rustic-industrial interior.



3311 Grand Avenue •
Serves wood-fired Californian cuisine with a creative cocktail menu.


Bosscat Kitchen and Libations—Newport Beach

4647 MacArthur Boulevard •

Offers industrial-chic dining, craft cocktails, elevated Southern classic cuisine, and stocks one hundred-plus whiskeys.


Juliette Kitchen & Bar—Newport Beach

1000 Bristol Street North •

A bistro serving locally sourced fare and innovative cocktails in a modern, farm-inspired space.


The Otis Bar—Pasadena

260 South Raymond Avenue •

A hard-to-find craft bar between the Luggage Room and La Grande Orange Café.


W. Wolfskill—Riverside

4281 Main Street •

Specialty cocktails and creative bar bites served in a hip lounge with mid-century modern decor.



3597 Main Street •

Prohibition era–themed nightclub with Prohibition cocktails, bar bites, and an extensive whiskey list.


Craft & Commerce—San Diego

675 West Beech Street •
Taxidermy and old books line the walls of this hip gastropub, serving seasonal eats and craft cocktails.


El Dorado—San Diego

1030 Broadway •
Watering hole with a Western theme offers a variety of seasonal craft cocktails plus music spun by DJs.


Grant Grill—San Diego

326 Broadway •

Hotel craft cocktail bar that has a rooftop garden.


Noble Experiment—San Diego

777 G Street •

Hidden inside of a restaurant (the Neighborhood) behind a wall of beer kegs. Reservations only.


Polite Provisions—San Diego

4696 Thirtieth Street •

Mixologist Erick Castro is behind the bar program at this reinvention of a 1950s American drugstore hangout.


Prohibition—San Diego

548 Fifth Avenue •

Stylish red-hued haunt has a 1930s vibe and features live music and seasonally inspired craft cocktails. No cell phones, sandals, flip-flops, shorts, or ball caps allowed.


Starlite—San Diego

3175 India Street •

Stylish eatery offering craft cocktails and elevated American eats in a swanky setting or on the patio. They have Tequila Tuesdays and Whiskey Wednesdays.


Hook & Ladder—Sacramento

1630 S Street •

Serving new American comfort food, local beers, and housecraft cocktails in an industrial-chic space with a patio.


The Golden Bear—Sacramento
2326 K Street •

The little bar that could. Your friendly neighborhood bar and official stop of Diners, Drive-ins and Dives. Serving innovative New American brunch, burgers, and dinners with craft cocktails at the bar. Known for their funny chalkboard sidewalk signs.


The Red Rabbit—Sacramento

2718 J Street •

A stylish, rustic-chic outpost for farm-to-table New American plates and artisanal cocktails. They believe in local and seasonal.


The Shady Lady Saloon—Sacramento
1409 R Street #101 •

Reminiscent of America’s 1920s era with live music and a menu of Southern cuisine and craft cocktails. Esquire voted them one of the top twenty-five bars in America.


15 Romolo—San Francisco

15 Romolo Place •

The building has been home to speakeasies, brothels, and most famously, the Basque Hotel. They feature a Punch Drunk Brunch, craft cocktails, bar bites, and a jukebox.


ABV—San Francisco

3174 Sixteenth Street •

A large-scale mural sets the stage at this restaurant and cocktail bar.


Alchemist—San Francisco

679 Third Street •

Dim, trendy cocktail bar with steampunk decor prepares signature drinks with house-made ingredients. The cocktail menu utilizes a collection of herbs and tinctures from a Chinese herbalist, and the bar has a rotating twice-monthly guest bartender program.


Balboa Café—San Francisco
3199 Fillmore Street •

They have never stopped making classic cocktails since 1913.


Bar Agricole—San Francisco
355 Eleventh Street •

A contemporary tavern that features traditional cocktails from spirits that celebrate the rich tradition of farmhouse distilling and Northern California cuisine made with ingredients sourced from local organic and biodynamic farms.


Beretta—San Francisco

1199 Valencia Street •
Features handcrafted pizzas, small bites, and unique craft cocktails.

Bergerac—San Francisco

316 Eleventh Street •

Bergerac is equal parts craft cocktail bar and impromptu house party. Its inspiration is the legendary Villa Nellcote, an old French mansion where the Rolling Stones recorded their seminal album Exile on Main Street. During their stay the Stones not only threw great parties, but also savored the best food and drink while waited on by their private staff and their renowned personal chef. Bergerac serves global eats and craft cocktails in bohemian digs with a bar, varied seating, and vintage furniture.


BIX—San Francisco

56 Gold Street •

Doug “Bix” Biederbeck founded this elegant jazz club in 1988, which was creating classic cocktails back then. You can find it if you know it is in an alley near the Transamerica Pyramid.


Blackbird—San Francisco

2124 Market Street •

Rustic-modern neighborhood bar with craft beer, craft cocktails, pool table, and art that changes often.

Bourbon & Branch—San Francisco

501 Jones Street •

San Francisco’s original speakeasy bar that opened in 2006. Call 415-673-1921 to make a reservation and you will be given a password. Upon arrival, look for the unmarked door on the corner of Jones and O’Farrell under the Anti-Saloon League sign, then buzz in to give your password. Try to get into the Wilson room. Entrance into the Wilson is through a bookshelf that opens into another room. Other rooms are Main Bar, Library, and Russell’s.


Comstock Saloon—San Francisco

155 Columbus Avenue •

A fancy turn-of-the-century bar with house vintage cocktails, upscale bar fare, cozy booths, and live jazz.


Coqueta—San Francisco

Pier 5, Embarcadero •

Coqueta means “flirt” and represents Michael Chiarello’s exploration of Spanish cuisine and inspired craft cocktails, while highlighting the bounty of Northern California.


Elixir—San Francisco

Sixteenth & Guerrero •

A historic neighborhood bar that has been serving since 1858. They offer fresh and seasonal cocktails and local brews. Its owner, H. Joseph Ehrmann, and the bar have won many awards.


Fog City Diner—San Francisco

1300 Battery Street •

Opened in 1985. Neal Murray (creator of the first Cosmopolitan) was part of the opening bar team. This is where he created his first twist on his Cosmopolitan by switching out the vodka for Mt. Gay Barbados Rum and naming it the Barbados Cosmo. This is also the diner where Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff visited to try out a cocktail called a Cosmopolitan, then went back to New York to revamp it. In 2013, the diner was restored. They do have some fresh cocktails on their menu.

Hard Water—San Francisco

Pier 3, Embarcadero •

Waterfront restaurant and American whiskey bar specializing in New Orleans–inspired cuisine.


Jasper’s Corner Tap & Kitchen—San Francisco

401 Taylor Street •

A lively bar headed up by award-winning Kevin Diedrich. Known for their Negronis, but they also have an assortment of other cocktails.


Maven—San Francisco

598 Haight Street •

Offers small plates and creative craft cocktails in a modern setting with wall-mounted plants and polished log tables.


Nopa—San Francisco

560 Divisadero •

This lively open two-story restaurant and bar specializes in organic wood-fired cuisine and cocktails created with seasonal ingredients sourced from local purveyors.


Novela—San Francisco

662 Mission Street •

Serving cocktails with character, Novela is a book-themed bar where classic literary references present themselves in the names of the house-crafted cocktails. They also have punch on tap.


Park Tavern—San Francisco

1652 Stockton Street •

Park Tavern is an upscale American tavern serving creative seasonal American eats and cocktails.

Rickhouse—San Francisco

688 Geary •

Winner of best high-volume cocktail bar in 2011. The objective at Rickhouse is to provide guests with a superior beverage experience.


Romolo—San Francisco

15 Romolo Place •

15 Romolo has been making craft cocktails since 1998.


Rye—San Francisco

688 Geary •

Fun modern-day saloon with crafted cocktails and a huge collection of amaros.


Smuggler’s Cove—San Francisco

650 Gough Street •

Award-winning rum and exotic cocktail destination. The interior features vintage tiki artifacts alongside historic nautical and rum décor, and provides a dramatic and inviting escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. The bar has over 400 rums and some top bartenders including Marco Dionysos and Steve Liles.


The Alembic—San Francisco

1725 Haight Street •

Classic handcrafted cocktails and an inventive bar food menu in a dimly lit, rustic space with booths.


The Elite Café—San Francisco

2049 Fillmore Street •

They have been serving classic cocktails since they opened. Today they have a New Orleans theme, and the cocktail menu follows suit by offering New Orleans cocktails. This is also the bar and café where Neal Murray (first inventor of the Cosmopolitan) worked in 1982 1981.


The Hideout at Dalva—San Francisco

3121 Sixteenth Street •

Tiny cocktail bar the back room of a neighborhood bar with karaoke on Sundays.


The Slanted Door—San Francisco

1 Ferry Building #3 •

Modern Vietnamese home cooking and craft cocktails using local ingredients.


The Tonga Room—San Francisco

950 Mason Street •

Located at the Fairmont Hotel, the Tonga Room and Hurricane Bar has delighted guests with its tropical décor, decadent libations, and Asian cuisine since 1945. They feature Pacific Rim cuisine and fresh tiki drinks. They also have offer a Top 40 band from a thatch-covered barge on the lagoon, a dance floor built from the remains of the SS Forester, a lumber schooner that once traveled regularly between San Francisco and the South Sea Islands, and periodic light tropical rainstorms, complete with thunder and lightning.


Tommy’s Mexican Restaurant—San Francisco

5929 Geary Boulevard •

Opened in 1965 and run today by Tommy’s son, Julio Bermejo. In the 1980s, Julio turned the bar into a 100 percent blue agave tequila bar. It has made international headlines and is “the” tequila bar in America. All drinks are made fresh.


Tradition—San Francisco

441 Jones Street •

From its main bar to reservation-only spaces, this hip venue delivers handcrafted American cocktails. Reservations are encouraged.


Trick Dog—San Francisco

3010 Twentieth Street • and
This popular, no-frills, straight-to-the-point bar is headed up by the award-winning Bon Vivant bar team of Josh Harris, Scott Baird, and Jason Henton. They are known for inventive cocktail menu presentations such as a Pantone formula guide, astrology zodiac layout, Chinese menu, and during the political season, a flag menu layout.


Paper Plane—San Jose

72 South First Street •

This is an easygoing bar with a fun atmosphere that features craft cocktails.


Playground—Santa Ana

220 East Fourth Street •

Creative chef Jason Quinn’s modern gastropub offers changing New American fare and craft cocktails.


320 Main—Seal Beach

320 Main Street •
A quality-driven restaurant that specializes in classic American dishes and freshly crafted cocktails with simple but inspired twists.


Old Crown—Fort Wayne

3417 North Anthony Boulevard •

Casual café and bar featuring house-roasted coffees, craft cocktails, and eclectic New American fare.


The Golden—Fort Wayne

Anywhere in Fort Wayne •

Pop-up craft bar from two chefs-turned-bartenders. You’ll have to follow their Facebook page to find where they are.


Ball & Biscuit—Indianapolis

331 Massachusetts Avenue •

Arty cocktails and small plates served amid dimly lit pendant bulbs with a speakeasy vibe.



38 East Washington Street •

Featuring craft cocktails, boutique wines, microbrews, and elevated bar bites.


Plat 99—Indianapolis

333 South Delaware Street •

Offers delightful small plates and creative cocktails with the best view in the city.



1127 Shelby Street •

In their words: Troublemakers and rabble-rousers with craft cocktails and Southern-inspired food.


Oak & Alley—Warsaw

114 South Buffalo Street •
Offering craft cocktails, craft beer, and craft burgers.



Old Kentucky Bourbon Bar—Covington

629 Main Street •

A Molly Wellman bar where there are over 300 bottles of domestic Bourbon and whiskey to choose from as well as a craft cocktail menu.



812 East Market Street •

Adventurous New American eatery and cellar lounge featuring live music in a circa-1870s building and craft cocktails.


Garage Bar—Louisville

700 East Market Street •

Hip bar and eatery in a former garage for brick-oven pies, craft cocktails, Southern chow, and a huge patio.



425 West Chestnut Street •

Craft cocktails, beer, sake, and more served in an upscale speakeasy with the vintage-style decor.



316 West Main Street •

Restaurant with Southern food with Asian ingredients and a bar serving craft cocktails.


Proof on Main—Louisville

702 West Main Street •

Contemporary artwork, locally sourced Southern fare, and fresh cocktails.



900 East Market Street •

Chic spot for innovative cocktails and locally sourced New American cuisine.
The Silver Dollar—Louisville

1761 Frankfort Avenue •

Modern honky-tonk Bourbon bar with fresh cocktails and Southern eats such as chicken ’n’ waffles.



2300 Frankfort Avenue •

White-linen fine dining new Italian cuisine and a top-shelf craft cocktail bar.



Portland Hunt + Alpine Club—Portland

75 Market Street •

Offers Scandinavian-inspired fare along with classic and clever cocktails.




69 West Street •

Casual eco-friendly New American small plates and creative cocktails.


B&O American Brasserie—Baltimore

2 North Charles Street •

An approachable American brasserie focused on locally farmed fare and fresh cocktails.



807 South Broadway •

Sophisticated bar with upscale pub food and a menu of classic and creative cocktails.


W.C. Harlan—Baltimore

400 West Twenty-Third Street

Under-the-radar bar offering handcrafted cocktails in a cozy 1920s-inspired atmosphere.


Wit & Wisdom—Baltimore

200 International Drive

Craft bar located in the Four Seasons Hotel.



Deep Ellum—Allston

47 Cambridge Street •

Small gastropub with craft cocktails, craft beer, eclectic fare, and a patio.


Citizen Public House—Boston

1310 Boylston Street •

A modern English-style neighborhood tavern located behind Fenway Park. The food menu is a fresh twist on Tavern Cuisine and the bar features craft cocktails, world-class wines, a selection of over 200 whiskeys, and local and national microbrews.



348 Congress Street •

A bar entirely dedicated to the craft of the cocktail, drink blends, time-honored techniques, and the classic cocktails of the Prohibition era with modern innovation and the very best artisanal ingredients.


Eastern Standard—Boston

528 Commonwealth Avenue •

A neighborhood restaurant with a happening scene starring masterful cocktails and modern brasserie fare in a glamorous atmosphere.


Highball Lounge—Boston

90 Tremont Street •

A craft bar filled with fun games, quirky garnishes, and fresh food.


jm Curley—Boston

21 Temple Place •

Eatery specializing in innovative American comfort food, craft cocktails, and boozy shakes.


Stoddard’s Fine Food & Ale—Boston

48 Temple Place •

Gastropub serving vintage cocktails and craft beer in a historical building that was a corset shop.


The Brahmin American Cuisine & Cocktails—Boston

33 Stanhope Street •

This classy space that evokes an early-1900s brownstone offers craft cocktails and plates made for sharing. Rules: no athletic wear, no baseball caps, no sneakers, no sweat pants or shirts, no hoodies, no work boots, and no flip-flops.


The Beehive—Boston

541 Tremont Street •

An underground Bohemian bistro featuring amazing cuisine, libations, artwork, and live music nightly.


The Gallows—Boston

1395 Washington Street •

Trendy gastropub with crafted cocktails.


The Hawthorne—Boston

500 Commonwealth Avenue •

Craft cocktails served in a snazzy setting that feels like a modernist living room.

Vintage Lounge—Boston

72 Broad Street •

Award-winning cocktails, 500 wines, and tapas menu in a stylish lounge with leather sofas and a patio.


Ward 8—Boston
90 North Washington Street  •

A casual, energetic neighborhood restaurant and bar featuring New American cuisine, craft cocktails, and local microbrews. They also offer cocktail classes.



Sugar House—Detroit

2130 Michigan Avenue •

Intimate pub serving classic and speciality cocktails, beers, organic wine, and small plates.


The Oakland Art Novelty Company—Ferndale

201 West Mile Road •

Represents a grateful nod to earlier times with nostalgic decor, exotic fresh ingredients, handcrafted intricate cocktails, and a gracious, hospitable staff.


Extra Virgin—Kansas City

900 Main Street •

Offers inventive Mediterranean tapas and cocktails.


Grünauer—Kansas City

101 West Twenty-Second Street •

Austrian-German fare, craft cocktails, and European beer in a historic dark-wood-and-brick Freight House space.


Julep—Kansas City

4141 Pennsylvania Avenue #104 •

Sleek bar featuring whiskey-centric cocktails and bites with a Southern twist.


Manifesto—Kansas City

1924 Main Street •

A fun, laid-back cocktail lounge that takes its cocktails seriously. Featuring a seasonal, culinary approach to the classics as well as original recipes. Need to call or text message 816-536-1325 for a reservation.


Blood & Sand—St. Louis

1500 St. Charles Street •

A swanky private cocktail club and restaurant that has a unique way of presenting itself. They offer craft cocktails and inventive New American fare.


Cielo Bar—St. Louis
999 North Second Street •

Craft bar located in the Four Seasons Hotel.


Frazer’s Soulard—St. Louis

1811 Pestalozzi Street •

Globally influenced cuisine and craft cocktails are served in a colorful eclectic space with a patio.


Planter’s House—St. Louis

1000 Mississippi Avenue •

A cocktail bar and restaurant that celebrates Saint Louis’s grand history of hospitality and cocktails.


Sanctuaria Wild Tapas—St. Louis

4198 Manchester Avenue •

Offering exclusive, delicious menu selections served with a modern twist. Their unique cocktail selections are fresh and handcrafted with extra love and a touch of naughty.


Taste—St. Louis

4584 Laclede Avenue •

A tavern serving craft cocktails and New American small plates.

New Hampshire

San Francisco Kitchen—Nashua

133 Main Street •

Casual Pan-Asian kitchen with sushi, shabu-shabu hot-pot dishes, and crafted cocktails.


Surf Bar—Nashua
207 Main Street •

Creative coastal cuisine and craft cocktails. 


New Jersey

King Edward Bar—Cape May

301 Howard Street •

Classic cocktail bar located inside the Chalfonte Hotel.


Catherine Lombardi—New Brunswick

6855 Fourth Street NW •

Historic restaurant and bar with craft cocktails.



18 East Main Street •

The craft bar is above the restaurant.

New Mexico

Vernon’s Speakeasy—Albuquerque

6855 Fourth Street NW •

A speakeasy-style steakhouse that has won many awards.


Vintage 423—Albuquerque

8000 Paseo Del Norte Boulevard NE •

They take pride in sourcing the highest quality ingredients available to use in the kitchen and the bar.


Anasazi Lounge—Santa Fe

113 Washington Avenue •

Located in the Rosewood Inn and known for its Silver Coin Margaritas and classic cocktails. The bar also features a lounge area with additional seating and dedicated tequila table, where guests can taste the restaurant’s comprehensive collection of premium tequilas, and enjoy unique tequila and food pairings.


Secreto Lounge—Santa Fe

210 Don Gaspar Avenue •

Secreto Lounge is Santa Fe’s premier craft cocktail bar specializing in award-winning garden-to-glass and vintage cocktails. Their cocktails are created using local fruits, vegetables, herbs, and often with local spirits and bitters. Head bartender Chris Milligan took first place in Las Vegas’s “Shake It Up 2010” competition with his cocktail Spicy Secreto.

North Carolina

Buffalo Nickel—Asheville

747 Haywood Road •

Focuses on local cuisine and fresh crafted cocktails.



48 Biltmore Avenue •

Offering creative cuisine and craft cocktails.


Cucina 24—Asheville

24 Wall Street •
An Italian bar and restaurant that uses ingredients found in the mountains of the American South.


Imperial Life—Asheville

48 College Street •

A craft cocktail bar specializing in classic and original cocktails and house-made charcuterie and cheese boards.


MG Road—Asheville

19 Wall Street •

Serving handmade cocktails from fresh ingredients.

Sovereign Remedies—Asheville

Walnut and Market Street •

Craft cocktails and great food.


The Junction—Asheville

348 Depot Street #190 •

A farm-to-table restaurant and bar with Southern roots.

Top of the Monk—Asheville

92 Patton Avenue •

A private club above the Monk Pub. When you order a drink, you are given a key that opens a snack box.


213 Fayetteville Street •

Features seasonal, handcrafted cocktails that are carefully selected to represent the best and most diverse offerings from nearby sources.


North Dakota

Humpback Sally’s—Bismarck
510 East Main Avenue •

Their seasonal cocktail menu introduces twists on classics that were designed by world bartending champion and renowned consultant Kate Gerwin.


510 East Main Avenue •

A year-round, fully heated rooftop beer garden and bar with fresh cocktails, sixteen craft brews on tap, and hot hoagies. Located on the top floor at 510 East Main Street and affiliated with Humpback Sally’s.




122 East Sixth Street •

You might walk right past the rustic doorway on Sixth, which is the entrance to Igby’s. In the bar with craft cocktails, guests are instantly greeted with the crackling of an oversize fireplace and a cordial ambiance accented by wood-planked walls. The huge space used to be a Civil War–era building. The atrium features balconies around each level so that patrons can look up or down onto the other floors. There are also two outdoor patios.


Ivy Cincinnati—Cincinnati

645 Walnut Street •

An ultra lounge and nightclub serving craft cocktails and featuring live music.



1136 Main Street •

At Japp’s, they specialize in handcrafted cocktails using the freshest ingredients, made in-house, and inspired by classic cocktails from the 1700s to the 1950s. Proprietor Molly Wellmann heads the team of trained mixologists.


Myrtle’s Punch House—Cincinnati

2723 Woodburn Avenue •

Freshly made punch is the focus of Myrtle’s and the proprietor, Molly Wellmann, heads the team of trained mixologists.


Crop Bistro and Bar—Cleveland

2537 Lorain Avenue •

Bank turned into an upscale New American eatery with a chef’s table and craft cocktails with a focus on local ingredients.


Porco Lounge and Tiki Room—Cleveland

2527 West Twenty-Fifth Street •

An exotic getaway with creative tiki cocktails served in a cozy Polynesian hangout with a patio.


Society Lounge—Cleveland

2063 East Fourth Street •

Large snazzy speakeasy-type bar featuring diverse craft cocktails, bites, and live music.


Velvet Tango Room—Cleveland

2095 Columbus Road •

The Velvet Tango Room is one of the pioneers of fresh craft bars in America. Its owner, Paulius Nasvytis, opened in 1996 with fresh-squeezed juices and transitioned to a full craft cocktail bar in 2004. The building was known to host bootleggers during Prohibition and bullet holes in the ceiling are proof of this.


Curio Harvest—Columbus

491 South Fourth Street •

A craft bar serving classic and modern libations and wood-fired pizza.



954 North High Street •

Offering vintage cocktails and artisan food.


Watershed Distillery—Columbus

1145 Chesapeake Avenue •

A distillery with a cocktail bar.



The Dogwood Cocktail Cabin—Bend

147 Minnesota Avenue •

Modern cocktails with classic charm.



444 East Third Avenue •

European inspired–cuisine made with the amazing ingredients found in the Northwest featuring pre- and post-Prohibition cocktails.


Clyde Common—Portland

1014 Southwest Stark Street •

European-style tavern serving delicious food and drinks in a casual and energizing space. Cocktail celebrity Jeffrey Morgenthaler heads up the bar.


Hale Pele—Portland
2733 Northeast Broadway •
Tropical tiki craft bar with puffer fish lamps.
410 Southwest Broadway •
James Beard Award–winner and Iron Chef winner Vitaly Paley heads up this bar. It’s located in the Hotel Lucia Hotel.

1215 Southwest Alder Street •
Their menu features handmade bar bites and craft cocktails.
816 North Russell Street •
One of the first craft bars that was opened by Lucy Brennan in 2001.
Rum Club—Portland
720 Southeast Sandy Blvd •

Cozy lounge with a chill vibe, horseshoe-shaped bar, and fresh tropical cocktails.

Teardrop Lounge—Portland
1015 Northwest Everett Street •

Craft cocktail bar with a seasonal menu.

The Rookery at Raven & Rose—Portland
1331 Southwest Broadway •
An elegant craft bar.
The Woodsman Tavern—Portland
4537 Southeast Division Street •

Offers small plates and platters and inventive cocktails served in a cavernous space with a rustic vibe.


Rhode Island

The Eddy—Providence

95 Eddy Street •

Stylish, dimly lit cocktail bar serving classic and creative concoctions along with unique snacks.


Fluke Wine Bar & Kitchen—Newport

41 Bowens Wharf •

Their third-floor bar area is a lively scene with an array of signature cocktails and artisanal wines.



60 Dorrance Street •

This elegant eatery housed in a historic bank features European-influenced fare and craft cocktails.


Local 21—Providence

121 Washington Street •

Chic venue in the former Dreyfus Hotel with locally harvested New American food and cocktails.


The Avery—Providence

18 Luongo Memorial Square •

Speakeasy-style bar offering handcrafted cocktails in a dark and cozy setting.


The Grange—Providence

166 Broadway •

All-in-one vegetarian hub serving seasonal dishes with a juice bar, vegan bakery, and cocktail bar.

The Gin Joint—Providence

182 East Bay Street •

Offers balanced cocktails alongside defiant bar food.



150 Broadway Street

A vintage-chic tavern offering New American fare and fresh cocktails.




690 South Perkins •

Syrups and infusions are house-made, cherries are house-cured, and freshness rules the bar. The menu is made up of variations of classic cocktails from the Prohibition era.



940 South Cooper •

Sleek spot with a menu of New American dishes and handcrafted cocktails.

Bar DKDC—Memphis

964 South Cooper •

Global street food pairs with house cocktails in a funky space with a photo booth and live soul music.


Holland House Bar and Refuge—Nashville

935 West Eastland Avenue •

Internationally renowned for superior proprietary cocktails and house-made ingredients.



37 Rutledge Street •

Has an apothecary cocktail program using house-made ingredients.


No. 308—Nashville

407 Gallatin Avenue •

Trendy late-night hangout featuring craft cocktails amid mid-century-modern decor, plus patio seating.


Rolf and Daughters—Nashville
700 Taylor Street •

Industrial-chic restaurant with clever New American dishes, communal tables, and inventive cocktails.

The Patterson House—Nashville

1171 Division Street •

Upscale bar serving craft cocktails in a cozy setting.


Pinewood Social—Nashville

33 Peabody Street •

Trendy hangout featuring New American cuisine, craft cocktails, and bowling.



Bar-X—Salt Lake City

155 East 200 S •
Prohibition-era cocktail bar owned by Ty Burrell of the TV show Modern Family.



Guild Tavern—South Burlington
1633 Williston Road •

The menu offers classic steakhouse entrees, wood-fired mixed grills, seafood and vegetarian options, and an innovative cocktail program.



728 King Street •
The first Virginia craft bar headed up by Todd Thrasher. Look for a blue light next to a red door.


Acacia Midtown—Richmond

2601 West Cary Street •

Offers American fare with an emphasis on seafood and fresh cocktails.



1627 West Main Street •

Restaurant and bar with craft cocktails.



1719-21 East Franklin Street •

Opened in 2003. Strives to capture the fresh flavors of Atlanta, Charleston, New Orleans, and Savannah in their food and drink.



101 West Franklin Street •

The food and cocktail menu features Virginia-grown ingredients and the Southern influences of Richmond’s food culture.



416 East Grace Street •

Offers small plates and craft cocktails.



21 West Marshall Street •

Features locally sourced Southern and Latin American fare and craft cocktails.


The Roosevelt—Richmond

623 North Twenty-Fifth Street •

A neighborhood restaurant in a turn-of-the-last-century building that opened in 2011. One year later they were named Restaurant of the Year by Style magazine, Best New Restaurant in the Region by Richmond magazine, and were awarded an Elby as the city’s Best New Restaurant. In 2013, they won for Best Cocktail Program. The bar is headed up by Thomas “T” Leggett.


The Rogue Gentlemen—Richmond

618 North First Street •

This award-winning cocktail program is head up by bar manager Ethan Craig and head bartender Shaun Loughran. Award-winning cocktail writer David Wondrich even joins seminars at this cozy establishment.



Prime 21 Spirits Lounge—Bellevue
10500 Northeast Eighth, Twenty-First Floor •

Located on the twenty-first floor of the Bank of America building and offering craft cocktails, full lunch and dinners, and stunning views of the Olympic Mountains, downtown Bellevue, and the Seattle skyline.


The Loft—Edmonds

515 Main Street •

This two-floored space with a heated covered courtyard is open year round, serving Northwest cuisine with a Mediterranean influence alongside unique and classic cocktails. 


Dillinger’s Cocktails and Kitchen—Olympia
404 South Washington Street •

A downtown speakeasy with craft cocktails, New American nibbles, and with a cozy ambiance.

825 Columbia Street Southwest •
A wine bar with a view that also serves crafted cocktails.


1535 Fourteenth Avenue •

Modern Italian-influenced craft cocktails and small plates with a patio.



1420 Twelfth Avenue •

A restaurant that combines Mexican cuisine with innovative craft cocktails in an energetic urban environment.


Bathtub Gin & Co.—Seattle

2205 Second Avenue •

Prohibition-era cocktails and international gin menu in the basement boiler room of a former hotel.


Canon Whiskey and Bitters Emporium—Seattle

928 Twelfth Avenue •

Recognized as one of the world’s Fifty Best Cocktail Bars with many awards and accolades. This bar is owned by cocktail celebrity Jamie Boudreau. He features over 3,500 labels in this cozy bar.


Damn the Weather—Seattle

116 First Avenue South •

Upscale gastropub with gourmet bar menu and craft cocktails.


E. Smith Mercantile—Seattle

208 First Avenue South •

This clothing shop’s backbar is a quaint craft bar providing nibbles.



2311 Northwest Market Street

Hip space serving craft cocktails in the rustic-chic main bar or the tiny upstairs loft.


Il Bistro—Seattle

93A Pike Street •

Serving classic cocktails since 1975.


517 Fifteenth Avenue East •

One of Seattle’s first Capitol Hill craft bars.


2325 Northwest Market Street

A changing tapas menu, sa

ngria, and craft house cocktails served in a tiny candlelit space.


Oliver’s Twist—Seattle

6822 Greenwood Avenue North and 3217 West McGraw Street •

Restaurant and bar with craft cocktails.

Percy’s and Co.—Seattle

5233 Ballard Avenue Northwest •

An apothecary-style bar in Seattle inspired by infused spirits, fresh purees, and beneficial tinctures.


429 Westlake Avenue North •

RE:PUBLIC (regarding the public) is a gorgeous warehouse space with exposed brick walls, wooden beams, and beautiful lighting fixtures throughout and is happy to navigate the shortest distance between the farm and your plate or glass with a creative seasonal menu.

Rob Roy—Seattle

2332 Second Avenue •

A dark lounge serving classic and seasonal cocktails and small plates.


2228 Second Avenue •

A hip hangout serving gourmet pizza, craft cocktails, and craft beers.


1112 Pike Street •

They feature delicious rum-forward craft drinks with freshly squeezed juices, balanced house syrups, and sourced best-quality ingredients in a Caribbean-styled atmosphere.

Suite 410—Seattle

410 Stewart Street •

Neighborhood bar that features craft cocktails and refined bar snacks.

Sun Liquor—Seattle
607 Summit Avenue East •

A distillery with a craft bar.


550 Nineteenth Avenue East •

Veggie-friendly, Mediterranean-influenced American fare and craft cocktails in a stylish room with mid-century decor.

Tavern Law—Seattle

1406 Twelfth Avenue •

Look for the old phone near the vault door in the back. Sophisticated drinkers with a reservation will be invited to the upstairs speakeasy, Needle & Thread. You won’t be handed a menu. Just tell the bartender what flavor profiles you like, sit back, and enjoy.

The Hideout—Seattle

1005 Boren Avenue •

Opened in 2005, they feature hand-squeezed cocktails, bar snacks, juice, and many paintings hung on the walls.

Tin Table—Seattle

915 East Pine Street •

They aim to create beauty in their food, drink, and atmosphere and to make you feel special whether you’re having a leisurely meal or a quick snack.


927 Ninth Avenue •

Storied lounge since the 1950s serving Italian fare and craft cocktails in an old-school setting with music.


410 Broadway East •

A Southern-influenced craft cocktail bar that places emphasis on warm hospitality.

Zig Zag Café—Seattle

1501 Western Avenue •

Craft cocktails and gourmet snacks in a hip space tucked away by a staircase near Pike Place Market.

Bon Bon—Spokane

926 West Garland Avenue •

Features craft cocktails and a rotating selection of micros on tap.


913 East Sharp Avenue •

This is cocktail godfather Paul Harrington’s bar. Gracious hospitality, thoughtful food, and craft cocktails set in a beautifully restored 1910-era Craftsman-style home.


Sapphire Lounge—Spokane

901 West First Avenue •
Craft bar located inside the Hotel Ruby.

The Volstead Act—Spokane

12 North Post •

Inspired by the speakeasies and history of the 1920s Prohibition era, this spot brings back a piece of history through handcrafted libations and cocktails.

Wandering Table—Spokane

1242 West Summit Parkway •

Offers small plates and cocktails showcasing the best the Inland Northwest has to offer from local seasonal farms and producers.


1022 South J •

A cozy speakeasy-style bar spotlighting creative cocktails and small and large plates.




















Crow’s Nest—Denali Park

Mile 238.5 Parks Highway •
You’ll stay in a log cabin in the middle of nowhere, but there are craft cocktails in the bar.



Monte Vista Cocktail Lounge— Flagstaff

100 North San Francisco Street  •

Was the first speakeasy in Flagstaff and now serves craft cocktails.


Bitter & Twisted—Phoenix

1 West Jefferson Street •
Award-winning cocktail lounge and craft cocktails with a great atmosphere and innovative bar bites.


The Gladly—Phoenix

2201 East Camelback Road •

The stylish bar houses more than 240 whiskeys, craft cocktails, unique ice balls, and comfort cuisine.


Second Story Liquor Bar—Scottsdale

4166 North Scottsdale Road •

Upscale cocktail lounge, chef-driven restaurant, over 200 whiskeys and crafted cocktails.



1514 North Seventh Avenue •

Swinging retro cocktail vibe, craft cocktails, and flatbreads.



2701 East Indian School Road •

Retro 1980s vibe, classic cocktails, craft drafts, pool table, and a jukebox.

Scott & Co.—Tucson
47 North Scott Avenue •

Hip bar and restaurant, craft cocktails, and Mule Mondays.

139 Eastbourne •

Bar with serious craft cocktails.

The Shelter—Tucson
4155 East Grant Road •

Sixties retro lounge, classic and modern Martinis and cocktails, and classic and movies in this go-go-boot-wearing, Martini-drinking, swanky, groovy lounge.

The House Brasserie—Tucson
6936 East Main Street •

Culinary artistry with cutting-edge world cuisine and hand-pressed cocktails in a vintage-chic, cozy setting.


The Mission—Tucson
3815 North Brown Avenue •
Modern Latin cuisine and hand-pressed cocktails in a sophisticated yet casual setting.



Chefs Club—Aspen

315 East Dean Street •

Located in the St. Regis Aspen Resort. This award-winning restaurant and bar features seasonal, innovative, and one-of-a-kind recipes. 


Justice Snow’s—Aspen

328 East Hyman Avenue •

A bar in a historic space with a landmark location in the Wheeler Opera House building that was originally constructed in 1889. This Victorian-era bar features a New American menu, craft cocktails, and live music.


Living Room Lounge—Aspen

330 East Main Street •
Located in the Hotel Jerome and is designed to feel exactly as it sounds. They offer small plates and creative cocktails.


The Bitter Bar—Boulder

835 Walnut Street •

They embrace the spirit of the original cocktail-making method and strive to serve simple cocktails made with passion, not pretence.


503W—Colorado Springs

503 West Colorado Avenue •

Specializes in uniquely handcrafted food and drinks using fresh, natural, and local ingredients.


Adrift Tiki Bar—Denver

218 South Broadway •

Tropical-themed tiki bar offering fresh island-style drinks and Polynesian-inspired bites.


Colt & Gray—Denver

1553 Platte Street #120 •

Restaurant and bar serving the highest quality food and cocktails.


Green Russell—Denver

1422 Larimer •

This underground chef-driven craft cocktail bar with rules is entered by walking through a pie shop. The rules: if you need to use your cell phone, then do so in the phone booths; group sizes are limited to six; engage in a lively yet quiet conversation, and dress smart.


Old Major—Denver

3316 Tejon Street •

Rustic-chic restaurant and bar specializing in house-made and locally sourced ingredients.



504 East Colfax Avenue •

A pub for those who enjoy classic libations and scrumptious gastro-tavern fare.


Ste. Ellie—Denver

1553 Platte Street

Downstairs from Colt & Gray, this sleek and comfy lounge offers creative cocktails and small plates.



1441 Larimer Street •

An open-concept kitchen with chef counter seats and a ten-seat bar serving shareable dishes and fresh cocktails.


Williams and Graham—Denver

3160 Tejon Street •

Named “Best Bar in America” in 2015. This Prohibition-era speakeasy is owned by American Bartender of the Year 2015, Sean Kenyon. Kenyon is a third-generation bartender and bar owner. He offers handcrafted cocktails, small plates, and desserts.



Laundry Kitchen & Cocktails—Steamboat Springs

127 Eleventh Street •

Rustic-chic kitchen and bar serving globally inspired small plates and craft cocktails.


Walrus + Carpenter—Black Rock

2895 Fairfield Avenue •

A simple brick-walled space offering smoked barbecue, craft beer, and craft cocktails.

Craft 260—Fairfield

260 Post Road •

A craft beer bar with pub fare and craft cocktails.

116 Crown—Hartford

116 Crown Street •

A craft bar that also offers cocktail classes.


40 Front Street •

This vibrant hangout offers New American small plates, craft cocktails, and weekend DJs.



400 Columbus Boulevard •

Located on the twentieth floor, this elegant restaurant and bar offers city and river views, American fare, and craft cocktails.



980 Farmington Avenue •

Treva is inspired by the cuisine of the Central and Northern regions of Italy. Using only the freshest and finest in-season ingredients, dishes and cocktails are handcrafted daily. There is also an elegant outdoor patio.



98 Washington Street •

This restaurant and bar offers classic worldly dishes and a uniquely creative menu that changes daily.


Bailey’s Backyard—Ridgefield

23 Bailey Avenue •

This restaurant, bar, and catering company features creative new farm-to-table fare, craft cocktails, quaint décor, and a covered patio.

Neat Coffee and Craft Cocktails—Westport

6 Wilton Road •

Hip café in a former fire station serving sandwiches and caffeine drinks in the day and craft cocktails at night.




14 Global—Bethany Beach

14 North Pennsylvania Avenue •

A family-friendly bar and restaurant offering small plates, pizzas, and handcrafted cocktails.

Jam Bistro—Rehoboth Beach

20 Baltimore Avenue •

A bistro offering food and cocktails and committed to using fresh, organic ingredients that are locally sourced from the finest purveyors that Sussex County has to offer.

District of Columbia

Bourbon Steak—DC

2800 Pennsylvania Avenue NW •

Located inside the Four Seasons Hotel. They grow their own herbs to make syrups, bitters, and tinctures.


Columbia Room—DC

1539 Seventh Street NW • and

Small ten-seat craft bar headed up by Derek Brown. It is located inside the Passenger. Open three nights a week and reservations are required. The price comes with small gourmet nibbles.


Founding Fathers—DC

1924 Pennsylvania Avenue NW •

This restaurant and bar is owned by the more than 40,000 family farmers of NDFU (North Dakota Farmers’ Union) and is supplied by hundreds of family farms everywhere. All the food and drink is made from scratch.


The Gibson—DC

2009 Fourteenth Street NW •

This dim, sexy space offering Prohibition-era cocktails and a charming outdoor patio can be hard to find. You enter through the black door in the U Street corridor/alley. If it’s unlocked, then enter. If not, then ring the bell and someone will come to take you to your table provided you have a reservation.



515 Fifteenth Street NW

W Hotel’s rooftop lounge draws a hip crowd and offers seasonal craft cocktails and city views.



Sweetwater—Boynton Beach

1507 South Federal Highway •

New American restaurant and bar featuring small plates and inventive craft cocktails.


Swine—Coral Gables

2415 Ponce de Leon Boulevard •

Serving up the freshest and most inventive takes on regional Southern fare and cocktails seven days a week with a foot-stompin’, soul-healin’ brunch on Saturdays and Sundays.


Tap 42—Fort Lauderdale

1411 South Andrews Avenue •

Slick space offering creative cocktails and creative burgers. They have three more locations in Miami, Boca Raton, and Coral Gables.


Dos Gatos—Jacksonville

143 East Forsyth Street •

Hipster hangout for handmade cocktails and Martinis. They also have theme nights. 


Moxie Kitchen + Cocktails—Jacksonville

4972 Big Island Drive •

This industrial-chic restaurant and bar are committed to sustainable sourcing and working with local and artisan producers. They offer American fare and stylish drinks.


Sidecar Jax—Jacksonville

1406 Hendricks Avenue •

Relaxed urban beer bar serving microbrews and craft cocktails.


2 Cents—Key West

416 Appelrouth Lane •

Casual bar and restaurant with craft cocktails and American fare in a creatively painted space with a patio.


The Other Side—Key West

429 Caroline Street •

Located inside the oldest Victorian-style house/bar in Key West, called “The Porch.” Inside there is a door to “The Other Side.”


Blackbird Ordinary—Miami

729 Southwest First Avenue •

A stylish cocktail bar featuring craft cocktails, dance floor, host DJs, and bands. They also have an herb wall on the patio.


Sweet Liberty—Miami

237 B Twentieth Street •

Conceived and operated by award-winning bartender John Lermayer and Dan Binkiewicz along with restaurateur David Martinez.


The Corner—Miami

1035 North Miami Avenue •

This hip corner bar serves creative sandwiches, small plates, and classic and craft cocktails. They have an herb garden and buy from local farmers.


The Cypress Room—Miami
3620 Northeast Second Avenue •

An American grill and cocktail bar rooted in top-notch food and service with an old-world sensibility from a James Beard Award-winning chef.


The Broken Shaker—Miami Beach

2727 Indian Creek Drive •
A small romantic bar in the Freehand Hostel offering inventive cocktails and a large backyard. Cocktail celebrities Gabriel Orta and Elad Zvi created this bar.


The Regent Cocktail Club—Miami Beach

1690 Collins Avenue •

Located inside the Gale Hotel offering craft cocktails.


Yardbird Southern Table & Bar—Miami Beach

1600 Lenox Avenue •

Farm-fresh ingredients used in their food and cocktails.


Todd English’s BlueZoo—Lake Buena Vista

Walt Disney World Dolphin Hotel

1500 Epcot Resorts Boulevard •

This is Orlando’s first real fresh craft cocktail bar, which opened in 2004.


The Courtesy—Orlando

114 North Orange Avenue •

Orlando’s first craft bar is low-lit and brick-lined. They feature handcrafted cocktails from boutique spirits.


Hanson’s Shoe Repair—Orlando

27 East Pine Street •

The speakeasy-type cocktail bar that asks you to call 407-476-9446 between the hours of one p.m. and seven p.m. and “speak easily into your telephone receiver” and they will contact you with the evening’s password.

The Woods—Orlando

49 North Orange Avenue, 2nd-floor •

A boutique bar offering craft cocktails and seventy-plus craft beers.



2109 Bayshore Boulevard •

A supper club with the finest cocktail bar serving an elite list of handcrafted cocktails true to the Prohibition era.


Fly Bar—Tampa

1202 North Franklin Street •

Hopping bar with a rooftop deck offering craft cocktails, small plates, live music, and a city view.



2208 West Morrison Avenue •

Mediterranean dishes and crafted cocktails served in a stylish space with an attached wine shop.


Pané Rustica—Tampa
3225 South MacDill Avenue •

In the day, it is a casual breakfast and lunch restaurant, then crafted cocktails and dinner are served at night.


Mandarin Hide—Saint Petersburg

231 Central Avenue •

Their goal is to provide guests with a unique experience complete with unparalleled craft cocktails, a refreshingly warm staff, an unpretentious vibe, and invigorating music. Their happy hour is called the Violet Hour. 



The Sound Table—Atlanta

483 Edgewood Avenue •

Small plates and craft cocktails served in an industrial space that morphs into a dance club at night. Dancing is encouraged.

Holeman and Finch—Atlanta

2277 Peachtree Road •

Modern gastropub serving vintage eats and custom cocktails.


JCT Kitchen and Bar—Atlanta

1198 Howell Mill Road •

A welcoming, low-key rooftop bar with craft cocktails, delicious bites, live music, and a spectacular view of the skyline.


Restaurant Eugene—Atlanta

2277 Peachtree Road •

An intimate and sophisticated farm-to-table dining and drinking space.


Leon's Full Service—Decatur

131 East Ponce de Leon Avenue •

The inspired modern eatery in an ex-gas station that offers New American fare, craft cocktails, and a bocce court.


Alligator Soul—Savannah

114 Barnard Street •

Bar and restaurant that use handmade dishes and cocktails created with fresh and local ingredients.



Lewers Lounge—Honolulu

2199 Kalia Road •

Halekulani Hotel’s upscale jazz lounge is a plush setting for craft cocktails and high-end snacks. Cocktail celebrities Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff and Francesco Lafranconi trained the bartenders.



32 North Hotel Street •

Sophisticated cocktail spot highlighting inventive drinks and artisanal small plates.



118 Ala Moana Boulevard •

Japanese-Peruvian fare and cocktails with upscale prices.


Pig & the Lady Restaurant—Honolulu
83 North King South •

Modern Vietnamese cooking and craft cocktails with communal tables.


Pint + Jigger Gastropub—Honolulu

1936 South King Street •

Gastropub with innovative bar food, creative cocktails, and a craft beer garden.


Town Restaurant—Honolulu
3435 Waialae Avenue #104 •

Their philosophy is to find the shortest, simplest way between the earth, the hands, and the mouth. Local first, organic whenever possible, with Aloha always.


Mai Thai—Boise

750 West Idaho Street •

Creative Asian-fusion dishes and craft cocktails served in a sleek modern setting with patio seating.


Red Feather—Boise

246 North Eighth Street •

Upscale lounge serving seasonal American comfort food and craft cocktails in a chic, modern space.



211 North Main Street •

Inventive American fare and craft cocktails lure locals to this hip yet historic stylish brick venue.



Bar Deville—Chicago

701 North Daman Avenue •

Headed up by acclaimed bartender Brad Bolt. He has received numerous accolades for his creative approach to cocktails, including winning first place in the 2010 Bacardi Legacy Chicago Competition, being named Chicago’s 2010 Most Inspired Bartender by Bombay Sapphire, and a nomination for a 2015 Jean Banchet Award for Best Mixologist. This art deco bar with cozy booth seating creates a warm ambience in the front room, while the middle space has a parlor feel with a pool table and lounge seating. The multifaceted back room plays host to a variety of entertainment, including the free weekly comedy series, Parlour Car, every Thursday and up-and-coming DJ acts every weekend.



The Barrelhouse Flat—Chicago

2624 North Lincoln Avenue •

A sprawling craft cocktail menu and foodie-friendly bar eats in a hip space with an upstairs lounge.


Big Star—Chicago

1531 North Damen Avenue •

A Bourbon and beer-focused, taco-slinging, late-night honky-tonk in the heart of Chicago’s Wicker Park neighborhood. Housed in a defunct 1940s gas station. The taqueria’s soundtrack of classic country and rock ’n’ roll is selected and spun by the bar staff.



1729 North Halsted Street •

Offers inspiration cuisine and cocktails with an emphasis on the freshest seasonal ingredients. Also has a candlelit back garden patio.


Hubbard Inn—Chicago

110 West Hubbard Street •

European-inspired small plates, quintessential mid-century cocktails, and an old-world décor.


Maude's Liquor Bar—Chicago

840 West Randolph Street •

Dimly lit lounge with exposed brick serving craft cocktails, seafood, and classic French dishes.


Sable Kitchen & Bar—Chicago
505 North State Street •

Located in Hotel Palomar serving inventive small plates and creative cocktails in a high-energy bar scene. The bartenders were trained by tequila and mezcal expert and mixologist Jacques Bezuidenhout.



123 North Jefferson Street •

A seasonal, inventive, upscale bar and restaurant serving craft cocktails in a brick, tile, and wood interior evoking classic Chicago.



3201 West Armitage Avenue •

A gin-focused Victorian-style salon with beautifully crafted cocktails, American craft beer, small plates, and fresh-baked cookies at midnight.


The Aviary—Chicago

953-955 West Fulton Street •

Swanky cocktail lounge featuring a daily selection of chef-inspired cocktails and food. Bartender Charles Joly won the 2014 Diageo World Class Bartending Competition.

Three Dots and a Dash—Chicago

435 North Clark Street •
Award-winning modern tiki bar with 200+ rums and luau bites.


The Violet Hour—Chicago

1520 North Damen Avenue •

A 2015 James Beard Outstanding Bar Program–winning craft cocktail bar with loads of cocktail talent behind the bar. There are rules: no cell phones, no baseball hats, and no reservations. They request that you do not bring anyone whom you wouldn’t bring to your mother’s house for Sunday dinner. You will not find a sign for this bar. Look for people under a yellow light.


The Whistler—Chicago
2421 North Milwaukee Avenue •

Trendy yet laid-back bar featuring creative cocktails plus DJs or live music nightly with no cover.


Weegee's Lounge—Chicago

3659 West Armitage Avenue •

Low-key pub with a 1940s vibe featuring classic cocktails, craft beers, and a shuffleboard table.



The Continental—Des Moines

428 East Locust Street •

Stylish lounge decorated with contemporary art featuring craft cocktails, tapas, and jazz.


4 Olives Wine Bar—Manhattan

121 South Fourth Street •

Owner, chef, and mixologist Scott Benjamin put together a long list of classics cocktails as well as original craft cocktails, barrel-aged cocktails, house-made tonic, and more.




Cypress Bar—Covington

428 East Boston Street •

A craft bar located in the Southern Hotel that is decorated with hand-painted murals, arched floor-to-ceiling windows, and a fireplace.

21st Amendment Bar at La Louisiane—New Orleans | French Quarter

725 Iberville Street •

The small, quaint craft cocktail bar is located where the cocktail La Louisiane was invented in the late 1800s. Its décor pays tribute to the Prohibition era. They have live jazz bands every day.

Bar Tonique—New Orleans | French Quarter
820 North Rampart Street •

Offers original, adapted, and classic cocktails.

Bourbon O Bar—New Orleans | French Quarter
730 Bourbon Street •

This cocktail and jazz bar is located in the Bourbon Orleans Hotel. In 2013, I revamped this dive bar into the first fresh bar on Bourbon Street—it also became the first nonsmoking bar on Bourbon.

The bar has a unique and diverse clientele because there is a Bourbon Street entrance and a guest hotel entrance. At any given time, the bar staff can be making a row of Old-Fashioneds and Sazeracs next to a row of Jager Bombs—and it’s okay because we want everyone to have a good time. The menu changes every season and each bartender contributes a cocktail.

In 2014, we became the first bar since 1919 to shake the Ramos Gin Fizz for six minutes—there’s a registry to sign after you order one. In the 2016 book 100 Things to Do in New Orleans Before You Die by Beth D’Addono, the bar was listed as the best place to get a Ramos Gin Fizz mustache.

A different live jazz band plays each night, we offer over eighty whiskeys (yes, we have Pappy’s), the default channel on six big screens is Turner Classic Movies with captions, there are twelve local beers on tap, and a few small bites that include New Orleans fare of gumbo, jambalaya, and mini-muffaletta sandwich baskets.

Cane & Table—New Orleans | French Quarter
1113 Decatur Street •

Features rum-based cocktails, eclectic small and large plates in an Old Havana atmosphere that is run by Nick Deitrich.

Carousel Bar—New Orleans | French Quarter

214 Royal Street •

The Carousel Bar is the most visited bar in New Orleans. It’s not so much a craft bar, but more of a classic cocktail bar. This is where the Vieux Carré cocktail was invented in 1938. The absolute best bartender to make your cocktails is the head bartender, Marvin Allen. Allen works in the day and gets off at six o’clock, but it’s New Orleans and daytime drinking is encouraged. The bar has live entertainment seven nights a week.

Cure—New Orleans

4905 Freret Street •

New Orleans’s first craft bar.

French 75 Bar—New Orleans | French Quarter
813 Rue Bienville •

Local celebrity bartender Chris Hannah heads up this cozy bar with lovely décor. The monkey lamps are fun! It is the best place to get a French 75, and between Thanksgiving day and Mardi Gras day, Hannah makes handmade Tom & Jerrys. Also, do not be surprised if you see a celebrity.

Latitude 29—New Orleans | French Quarter
320 Decatur Street •

This is Beachbum Berry’s first tiki bar, located in the quaint Bienville Hotel. The bar offers classic and modern tiki drinks as well as Polynesian cuisine. This is the best place in the world to order a Zombie.

Loa—New Orleans

221 Camp Street •

Seasonal handcrafted cocktails in a warm and sophisticated space at the International House Hotel.

Revel—New Orleans

133 North Carrolton Avenue •

After many years of working for others in New Orleans, fourth-generation bartender Chris McMillian finally opened his own bar in 2015. McMillian is the most famous bartender in New Orleans. He is the cofounder of the Museum of the American Cocktail and a cocktail historian. McMillian has been mentioned in many periodicals such as the New York Times and Wall Street Journal, and has been a public speaker at institutions such as the Smithsonian. Imbibe magazine mentioned McMillian as one of the top twenty-five most influential cocktail personalities of the last century.

His bar serves classic and crafted cocktails (and don’t be surprised if you get a story while he’s making your cocktail) and gourmet sandwiches and small plates made by a chef who trained under Emeril Lagasse.

Roost Bar—New Orleans | French Quarter

417 Royal Street •

The Roost Bar is located inside Brennan’s. It is headed up by famous New Orleans bartender Lu Brow, who serves crafted and classic cocktails.

SoBou—New Orleans | French Quarter

310 Chartres Street •

This craft bar is located in the French Quarter “W” Hotel. SouBo stands for “South of Bourbon Street.”

Sylvain—New Orleans | French Quarter
625 Chartres Street •

Serves straightforward, no-nonsense food and crafted cocktails using the best ingredients from the southern United States.

The Bombay Club—New Orleans | French Quarter
830 Conti Street •

Blake Kaiser oversees the bar program with craft cocktails. Also offered are small bites to full dinners and live entertainment seven nights a week.

The Sazerac Bar—New Orleans

130 Roosevelt Way •

It’s located in the Roosevelt Hotel. This is not where the Sazerac was invented, but they adopted it back in the 1930s. This is the bar where Governor Huey “Kingfish” P. Long (1932–1935) would stroll in and order a Ramos Gin Fizz. You can even watch him drink one on YouTube.

The Victorian Lounge—New Orleans

3811 Saint Charles Avenue •

This grand and romantic bar is located in the Columns Hotel. It serves classic and craft cocktails and has been written about in many publications.

Twelve Mile Limit—New Orleans

500 South Telemachus Street •

A dive craft cocktail bar owned by T. Cole Newton. They also sell cheap beer, BBQ, cake, and have a pool table.



Marvel Bar—Minneapolis
50 North Second Avenue •

A small neighborhood cocktail bar where a team of bartenders put thought and care into the drinks they make. You can locate the bar behind a purple door. 



Parlor Market—Jackson

115 West Capitol Street •

Local Southern food and cocktails served in upscale rustic digs with brick walls, wood beams, and a marble bar.

The Apothecary at Brent’s Drugs—Jackson
655 Duling Avenue •

Apothecary soda fountain–type cocktail bar.


21 North Lamar •

Stylish bistro and oyster bar offering Southern-influenced French eats, craft cocktails, and live music.



2700 First Avenue North •

Offers house-crafted cocktails and fresh in a setting with barbed-wire, chandeliers, and local art.

Red Room Basement Bar—Whitefish

147 Central Avenue •

A bar below the restaurant serving crafted cocktails and tapas.



The Berry & Rye—Omaha

Eleventh and Howard Streets •

This bar finds inspiration in pre-Prohibition era–drinks yet approaches its cocktails from an experimental, contemporary, and culinary perspective.

V. Mertz—Omaha

1022 Howard Street •

Elegant restaurant and bar with gourmet New American plates cocktails.



Downtown Cocktail Room—Las Vegas

111 Las Vegas Boulevard South •

An intimate speakeasy-type room with craft cocktails. 


Frankie’s Tiki Room—Las Vegas

1712 West Charleston Boulevard •

A fresh drink tiki bar filled with art and carvings from the world’s top tiki artists.


Herbs and Rye—Las Vegas

3713 West Sahara Avenue •

A true craft cocktail bar.


Libertine Social—Las Vegas

3950 South Las Vegas Boulevard •

The Modern Mixologist Tony Abou-Ganim's first bar is located in Mandalay Bay. Look for the bar that has the large blue neon light that says “Stay Wild.”


Nora’s—Las Vegas

5780 West Flamingo Road •

Italian cuisine and craft cocktails.


Petrossian Bar

3600 Las Vegas Blvd South •
Inside the Bellagio Hotel. Las Vegas’s first craft cocktail bar, under the direction of Tony Abou-Ganim.


Vesper Bar—Las Vegas

3708 South Las Vegas Boulevard •

Located in the Cosmopolitan Hotel.


New York

Clover Club—Brooklyn

210 Smith Street •

A Julie Reiner bar. Exquisite cocktails, real food, and an atmosphere of true hospitality. But it’s a Brooklyn cocktail bar, so that also means no velvet rope, a low-key, neighborhood vibe, live jazz from time to time, and a cozy back room with a fireplace. Oh, and brunch, because you need brunch.

Long Island Bar—Brooklyn

110 Atlantic Avenue •

Owned by Joel Tompkins and Toby Cecchini. (1988 Cosmopolitan creator).

Tooker Alley—Brooklyn
793 Washington Avenue •

This is craft bartender Del Pedro’s bar. It’s a hip hangout with bar bites, a retro vibe, and Edison light bulbs.

Death & Co.—Manhattan

433 East Sixth Street •

Opened by David Kaplan on December 31, 2006 to ring in the New Year. Look for a storefront with wooden panels in place of windows. The name Death & Co. is printed in metal on the sidewalk in front of the bar’s main entrance. Give your number to the bouncer at the door and he will call you can when you can come inside. They also have a book.

Angel’s Share—Manhattan

6 Stuyvesant Street 2nd Floor •

A small craft bar inside the Yokocho Japanese Restaurant. It is the bar that Sasha Petraske modeled Milk & Honey after.


9 Doyers Street •

Inspired by the history and rise of the apothecary in Europe as well as the artistic influence of absinthe dens in nineteenth-century Paris.


134 Eldridge Street

This small space was originally Sasha Petraske’s Milk & Honey from New Year’s Eve 1999 to New Year’s Eve 2012. Today, longtime M&H bartenders Sam Ross and Michael McIlroy are the proprietors. The entrance door simply says, “AB 134.” Long gone is the reservation system, so you just have to keep knocking and pressing the buzzer every so often and you will be let in if space is available. Do not come with a party of more than four, as there are only two booths, twelve barstools, and no menu.

Employees Only—Manhattan

510 Hudson Street •

This restaurant and bar was opened in 2004 by five bar industry friends; Dushan Zaric, Henry Lafargue, Igor Hadzismajlovic, Jason Kosmos, and Bill Gilroy. The bar has won numerous awards such as “Best American Bar Team,” “World’s Best Cocktail Bar,” and “World’s Best Drinks Selection.” It is also featured in the 2013 film Hey Bartender, which follows one of their bartenders, Steve Schneider.


Flatiron Lounge—Manhattan

37 West Nineteenth Street •

Opened by Julie Reiner in 2003. A high-volume craft bar located in a landmark building that was constructed in 1910. The Flatiron Lounge evokes the decadence and romance of a bygone era. The sounds of jazz draw you in through a dramatic archway leading to the meticulously restored thirty-foot mahogany bar.

Huckleberry Bar—Manhattan

588 Grand Street •

Offers something for almost everyone. They offer seasonal and classic cocktails, their kitchen is open late every night, and their private garden is open every day until one a.m.

Little Branch—Manhattan

20 Seventh Avenue South on the corner of Leroy

Opened by Sasha Petraske in 2005. An underground room of mixology and crafted cocktails. To enter, look for a rusted metal door with no signs. Inside, there is a long stairway leading to the bar. Little Branch accepts cash only.

The Library at Nomad—Manhattan

1170 Broadway and Twenty-Eighth Street •
Craft bar located inside the Nomad Hotel.

Macao Trading Co.—Manhattan

311 Church Street, Ground Floor •

They take their inspiration from the opium dens and brothels of the 1930s. It’s an exotic, bi-level parlor serving craft cocktails and Chinese-Portuguese small plates.


304 East Sixth Street •

Opened in 2009 and one year later won “Best New Cocktail Bar in the World.” They are an agave spirit cocktail bar.

Pegu Club—Manhattan

77 West Houston Street •

Audrey Saunders’s pioneering cocktail lounge serves classic and creative drinks in a stylish setting.


113 St. Marks Place •

PDT stands for “Please Don’t Tell.” Jim Meehan, the first cocktail winner of a James Beard Award, created it. You must make reservations by calling 212-614-0386. Once you arrive, walk down a set of stairs into Crif Dogs Restaurant, then look for a phone booth. Pick up the phone and press the buzzer once.

Pouring Ribbons—Manhattan

225 Avenue B •

Bartender Joaquin Simo heads up this hip contemporary craft cocktail bar with a small menu of sophisticated bites.

Raines Law Room—Manhattan

48 West Seventeenth Street. •

To enter look for the unmarked stairwell and ring the doorbell at the bottom. The tables inside have a private button to call the server. It’s first come, first served, but reservations are accepted Sunday through Tuesday by e-mailing the exact time, the number in your party, and a contact number.

Saxon + Parole—Manhattan
316 Bowery •

Craft cocktails are served at this equestrian-themed American eatery.

The Dead Rabbit—Manhattan
30 Water Street •

This bar is won “World’s Best Bar” in 2016. It’s owned by Jack McGarry and Sean Muldoon and has three rooms on two floors for you to experience.

The Tippler—Manhattan
425 West Fifteenth Street •

The Tippler is a classic New York cocktail destination nestled in a cellar space serving craft cocktails.



The Tavern—Tulsa

201 North Main Street •

The Tavern is a modern interpretation of the classic neighborhood pub. They offer pub-inspired cuisine and craft cocktails that represents only the best in local and seasonal ingredients.

The Vault—Tulsa

624 South Cincinnati Avenue •

Featuring classic American fare and craft cocktails in a mid-century modern setting.


13 East Brady Street •

A playful neighborhood bar with a focus on comfort and personality as well as serving top-quality drinks without pretense. The continually revolving menu offers classic and new cocktails made from whole fresh ingredients.



Stocks on 2nd—Harrisburg
211 North Second Street •

Offers a farm-to-fork gastropub with a bar specializing in American whiskeys and Bourbons. 

John J. Jefferies—Lancaster

300 Harrisburg Avenue •

Farm-to-table, seasonal fare and crafted cocktails. Located in the Lancaster Arts Hotel.

Hunger n Thirst—Lancaster

920 Landis Avenue •

A warehouse-style operation combining a New American kitchen, craft bar, craft beer store, and gourmet market.

Horse Inn—Lancaster

540 East Fulton Street •

Historic site offering a seasonal menu of refined pub grub, specialty cocktails, and a speakeasy vibe.

Aussie and the Fox—Lancaster

38 West King Street •

Elevated Australian and American fare and crafted cocktails served in a space with kitschy style.

The Franklin Mortgage & Investment Co.—Philadelphia

112 South Eighteenth Street •

This building was used by Max “Boo Boo” Hoff to run a bootleg ring from during Prohibition. Look for the bouncer—the door’s entrance is unmarked—who will direct you into the cavernous, fifty-seat speakeasy.
701 South Fourth Street •

Farm-to-table dishes served alongside classic cocktails in a handsome tavern setting.

Village Whiskey—Philadelphia
118 South Twentieth Street •

Gourmet pub grub and cocktails.

2108 East Carson Street •

Sophisticated cocktail bar with a Prohibition theme serving craft drinks in elegant glassware.

Bar Marco—Pittsburgh

2216 Penn Avenue •

Intimate minimalist wine bar with a winning menu, creative cocktails, and weekend brunch.

South Carolina

The Bar at Husk—Charleston

76 Queen Street •

Craft cocktail bar that has a large selection of Bourbons and Madeiras.

The Cocktail Club—Charleston

479 King Street •

Offers an extensive selection of house-made infusions, rare liquors, and one-of-a-kind beverages.


232 Meeting Street •

Southern classics cooked with seasonal ingredients and a fresh cocktail bar.

The Gin Joint—Charleston

182 East Bay Street •

A cozy intimate bar/eatery serving craft cocktails and eclectic small plates in a 1920s-inspired setting.


2 Unity Alley •

Offers locally sourced American fare and crafted cocktails.


CU29 Cocktail Bar—Austin

720 Brazos Street •

A bar for creative cocktails with house-made infusions and mixers.

Firehouse Lounge—Austin
605 Brazos Street •

Located in the Firehouse Hostel, they pride themselves on recreating some of the world’s best classic cocktails with a focus on quality and presentation.

503 West Colorado Street •

Unassuming bar crafting inventive cocktails in a hip, mid-century-inspired space in a parking garage.

3232 McKinney Avenue •

Offers locally sourced New American fare and fresh cocktails.

Mansion Bar—Dallas
2821 Turtle Creek Boulevard •
Located inside the Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek.

Midnight Cowboy Cocktail Salon—Dallas
313 East Sixth Street •
This bar does not have a sign. Look for a red light above a doorway, then buzz your way by hitting “Harry Craddock” button.

Midnight Rambler—Dallas
1530 Main Street •
Midnight Rambler is a craft cocktail salon located in the Joule Hotel. It is conceived and operated by Chad Solomon and Christy Pope of Cuffs & Buttons. The DNA of Midnight Rambler is cocktails, music, and atmosphere. Midnight Rambler serves Neoclassical cocktails to a rock ’n’ soul soundtrack in a warm analog environment. A service style of offhanded excellence resonates in the quality of staff, excellence in product, and attention to detail. There is complimentary valet parking.



2418 Allen Street •

A craft cocktail bar owned by famous Dallas bartender Eddie “Lucky” Campbell. Parliament serves as both an advanced cocktail lounge and a neighborhood bar, designed to be widely accessible, while housing one of the most sophisticated cocktail programs in the world. Rooted in timeless style, Parliament derives inspiration from the barrooms and clubs of the early 1900s, with the excitement of the avant-garde period and the approachability of a Parisian sidewalk café.

Proof + Pantry—Dallas
1722 Routh Street •

An American restaurant and bar featuring American fare along with a diverse and original bar program.

901 Fort Worth Avenue •
A craft bar located in the Belmont Hotel.

2723 McKinney Avenue •

They believe the handcrafted cocktail represents a haven of romance, culinary delight, and fun.
The Cedars Social—Dallas
326 South Lamar Street •

Famous Dallas bartender Michael Martensen heads up the bar program with a list of handcrafted cocktails, and the fare is offered by award-winning chef John Tesar.

The Dram—Dallas
2918 North Henderson Avenue •

Offers handcrafted cocktails and classics creating a balanced drink menu with nightly and seasonal specialty libations.

The People’s Last Stand Bar + Bistro—Dallas
5319 Mockingbird Lane •

This bar sits perched atop Mockingbird Station and offers classic cocktails with unique and flavorful inventions created from fresh-squeezed juices and house-made syrups, infusions, and mixers.

The Standard Pour—Dallas
2900 McKinney Avenue •

A neighborhood restaurant and bar inspired by 1920s nouveau nostalgia. This cocktail den offers craft cocktails and bites from the kitchen.

Victor Tangos—Dallas
3001 North Henderson Avenue •

Intensely fresh cocktails and bold adventurous food with a neon sign over the door that says, “Kitchen Open Late.”

Whiskey Cake—Dallas
3601 Dallas Parkway •

Serves farm-to-kitchen made-from-scratch fare and cocktails.

The Usual—Fort Worth

148 West Magnolia Avenue •

Mixologists pour Prohibition-era cocktails from top-shelf ingredients at this stylish bar.

1424 Westheimer Road, Suite B •

Houston’s first serious craft bar, since 2009. They are dedicated to making the best drinks they can with the highest quality spirits and ingredients they can find.  

The Edison Experiment—San Antonio
1846 North Loop 1604 W •

A craft cocktail bar specializing in craft cocktails both classic and modern.


Wickman House—Ellison Bay
11976 Mink River Road •

New American meals and craft cocktails in a quaint rambling home with outdoor seating.

The Libertine—Green Bay
209 North Washington Street •

A craft cocktail bar serving the finest spirits and a knowledgeable and hospitable staff.

Boone & Crockett—Milwaukee

2151 South Kinnickinnic Avenue •

Classically crafted cocktails from shelf to glass.

Bryant’s Cocktail Lounge—Milwaukee
1579 South Ninth Street •

Open since 1938, Bryant’s is Milwaukee’s oldest cocktail lounge. They offer craft cocktails in a stylish atmosphere with exotic lighting and plush velvet walls.

The Libertine—Madison
708 Johnson Street •

An award-winning neighborhood restaurant and bar with a menu that changes a little bit almost every day with a focus on seasonal produce and provision. 



The Rose—Jackson Hole
50 West Broadway •

Craft cocktail bar located inside the Pink Garter Theatre.







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