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没有人知道鸡尾酒开始的确切日期,但通过考古发现,假设人类将各种成分混合在一起为自己创造美味的饮料已有 10,000 年的历史,因为那是国内农业开始的时候——如果你相信失落的大陆然后它可以追溯到更远。蜂蜜酒(蜂蜜制成)、麦酒(啤酒)和葡萄酒(水果制成)是古代文明中最常见的酒精饮料,因此还假设这些成分混合在一起制成蜂蜜味饮料。此外,可以想象加入香草和香料以增加风味,有时可能会使用浸泡过的药草。





关于“鸡尾酒”这个词的来源,有很多理论。其中包括一位阿兹特克公主,一位称最喜欢的饮料为 cockwine的古罗马医生,一个新奥尔良法国鸡蛋杯,实际上是用一整只公鸡和麦酒制成的 Cock Ale Punch (ick!),一种用于没有精神的人的姜根栓剂马,还有一个酒馆老板,他把公鸡尾毛放在士兵的饮料里(鸡尾)。



已知第一个提到亚洲精神“arrack”的是1200年代旅行商人。在 1300 年代,创造了“aqua vitae”(“生命之水”)这个词,并且在 1400 年代生产了雅文邑和苏格兰威士忌。但是,在 1500 年代,第一次记录将烈酒(早期的朗姆酒)与其他三种成分混合在一起,是为生病的水手准备的。在 1600 年代和 1800 年代之间,公共饮料是装在大碗里的——所有人都用杯子。这些杯子和碗产生了我们今天所知道的个人大小的鸡尾酒。 / 艺术家 Walter Dendy Sadler - 一碗好酒 1886



没有人知道是谁发明了这种鸡尾酒,但人们一致认为,在 1600 年代,公共批次装在潘趣酒碗中,然后用杯子喝掉,这催生了我们今天所知道的个人鸡尾酒。关于“鸡尾酒”这个词的起源有很多理论。到今天为止,它已缩小到两个。一个来自 1700 年代的马贸易行业,另一个来自基于真人的虚构角色,但都没有得到证实。


迄今为止,“鸡尾酒”一词的第一个印刷形式出现在 1798 年。与饮料有关的单词于 1803 年首次印刷,第一个印刷定义是在 1806 年。


第一本已知的英国饮料收据(食谱)书于 1827 年出版。第一本已知的美国鸡尾酒配方书于 1862 年出版。




在 1920 年代之前,在美国,高档的白人男性在高档轿车和酒吧里喝高档鸡尾酒,他们通常 有一个名为“女士酒吧”的侧厅供着名女性使用。  唯一允许进入主酒吧的女性是女士和妓女。  普通乔在酒吧或家里喝啤酒、葡萄酒、威士忌和苹果酒。  


鸡尾酒的第一个黄金时代是在 1860 年到 1919 年之间,而鸡尾酒的第二个黄金时代的种子是在千年左右播下的。




美国禁酒令的废除、女性在大多数酒吧的社交自由以及好莱坞技术(有声电影)为 1930 年代和 1960 年代之间的鸡尾酒带来了魅力。


自 2002 年以来,每年 7 月都会在新奥尔良举办世界上最大的鸡尾酒节,鸡尾酒的故事。

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汤碗 并站立,制作于 迈森 工厂,德国,1770, 维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆

1827 - 牛津大学学生编写的第一本已知的饮料收据(食谱)书。近 100 年来,这本书有许多版本。这是第一个。只有两个已知的副本。点击书看里面。





啤酒屋、酒馆、小酒馆和旅馆的名称包括 Beverley Arms、Black Lion、Boar's Head、Bull Long Medford、Crown Sarre、King's Head、Crane Inn、Devil's Tavern、George、The Lion、The Prospect of Whitby、the白马和叶奥尔德米特。


听到的饮酒词有“aled up”、“befuddled”、“bizzled”、 “drinking deep”、“戴上大麦帽”、“有不止一个可以容纳”、“狮子醉了”、“麦芽在饭菜上”, ” “吵闹”,“吞下了酒馆令牌”,“打碎了”,“剃光了”, “喝了起来”,“被洗了”和“被削了”。


1500 年代创建的新品牌和烈酒包括 aguardiente de caña(朗姆酒)、Bénédictine、白兰地、cachaça、Disarrono、jenever、kummel、mezcal、pisco 和苏格兰威士忌。







一位本笃会修士创造了本笃会。需要它的现代流行鸡尾酒包括新加坡司令鸡尾酒、Vieux Carré 和 Bobby Burns。






西班牙统治者查理五世向伊斯帕尼奥拉进口了 2,000 名奴隶,在甘蔗地里耕作。



Amaretto Disaronno 在意大利生产。







甘蔗 eau-de-vie 诞生了(后来被称为 cachaça)。




出版了一本包含 70 多种以伏特加为基础的药物的书。这是第一次记录“伏特加”这个词。









在 Constelijck Distiller Boek 一书中,Philippus Hermanni 在他的 1568 年提到了一种注入杜松的生命之水。



Lucas Bols 在阿姆斯特丹建立了一家酿酒厂并开始制作 jenever。



Aguardiente de caña(基本上是朗姆酒)、hierba buena(属于薄荷科的古巴草本植物)、酸橙和糖分批供应给一艘生病的水手及其英国船长弗朗西斯·德雷克爵士(绰号 El Draque,西班牙语为“龙”)。所需要的只是添加汽水,他们自己就有了一桶莫吉托。




我们很清楚小酒馆和酒吧的样子,因为荷兰画家扬·斯蒂恩(Jan Steen)绘制了详细的日常生活画作。他与饮酒有关的画作包括酒馆里的王子节(1660 年;他在画中画了自己)、酒馆花园(1660 年)、酒馆里(1660 年)、饮酒者(1660 年)、欢乐派对(1660 年)、农民之前旅馆(1653),离开酒馆(日期未知),露台上的快乐公司(1670)和酒馆场景(1670)。在 Steen 的画作中看到的东西是水罐、瓶子、容器(有些是玻璃制成的)、乐谱、乐器、调情、火、食物、笑声、游戏、赌博、动物、儿童、玩具、混乱、男人抓女人、吸烟、头骨、桶和笼子里的鸟。减去孩子和动物,这几乎是现代酒吧中所见的。我个人最喜欢的画作是《老歌如歌,少年如歌》



在 1600 年代初期,punch(paunch,一个印度语单词,意思是“五”)在往返印度的英国水手和香料商人中流行起来。在回家的途中,他们会用五种成分制作大碗潘趣酒,包括烈酒、柠檬、糖、水和香料。拳拳传播到英国的上层阶级,很快就被带到了新世界(美国)。上流社会拥有银制的碗、杯子和长柄勺,伦敦中央刑事法院的记录记录了这些物品被盗的许多事件——大多数时候,拳头还在碗里!



一些啤酒屋、酒馆、小酒馆和旅馆的名称包括:Bear at Bridge-foot、Bull and Bush、Bull and Gate、 Grapes、Green Dragon Tavern、Hatchet Inn、the Anchor、the Plough、the Red Lion、the Seven Stars、Three修女和特拉法加酒馆。


在 1600 年代听到的饮酒词包括“狭海上将”、“醉醺醺的”、“豪饮”、 “冒泡的帽子病”、“抓到一只狐狸”、“D and D”(醉酒和无序)、“沉闷”在眼睛里”、“高高在上”、“咯咯地笑”、“脑袋里有面包和奶酪”、“糊里糊涂”、 “在不断地喝着旋转木马”、“在狂暴中”和“看到双倍的。”


1600 年代的新品牌和烈酒包括 Bushmills 爱尔兰威士忌、Chartreuse 和黑格苏格兰威士忌。






11 月 9 日,朝圣者在五月花号上将白兰地和杜松子酒带到了新世界。101 名勇敢的殖民者在冬天住在船上,补给很快就用完了。  









葡萄牙政府禁止销售cachaça。禁令于 1695 年解除。






























William of Orange 从荷兰进口 jenever 并开始生产英国杜松子酒。



Nolet 开始在荷兰蒸馏(他们后来生产 Ketel One 伏特加)。



圣诞节那天,英国海军司令爱德华·拉塞尔海军上将在西班牙加的斯港为 6000 人举办了一场盛大的派对。他雇佣了 800 名员工和 1 名男孩,乘船漂浮在冲床上,为客人提供服务。



DeKuyker 在荷兰开设了一家酿酒厂。









Kenelm Digby 发表了 Kenelm Digby Knight 爵士的衣柜打开了,其中提供了许多葡萄酒和啤酒的食谱。特别是一种配方,叫做 Cock-Ale。 Digby 说:“这些日子我们已经忘记了如何制作 Cock-Ale。”这种啤酒需要一个月的时间来制作,并且需要煮一只公鸡。这是已知的第一个关于 Cock Ale 的参考文献。后来出现在几本 1700 年代的烹饪书籍中。



殖民时期的美国正在安家落户。到 1700 年,人口达到 275,000 人(波士顿和纽约市的人口最多)。 1700 年,殖民地还有 140 多家朗姆酒厂。到本世纪末,人口达到530万,其中100万为非洲裔。  


在本世纪,殖民者努力摆脱英国。旧国家不想放松的例子包括糖蜜法(对朗姆酒征税)、羊毛法、铁法、货币法、糖法(对朗姆酒征税)、印花税法、波士顿大屠杀和波士顿倾茶事件。这一切都导致了美国革命(1775-1783)。脱离英国后,一种名为 Sling 的饮品开始流行起来。它只是用您选择的烈酒、糖和水制成的。后来,加入一两滴苦味,制成苦味吊索,被认为是早上的好饮料。这些是老式的确切成分。


1776 年美国独立宣言的签署与马德拉岛共同庆祝。本杰明富兰克林写了一本饮酒字典,发明了双光眼镜,并发现了电。詹姆斯·哈格里夫斯发明了纺车,美国威士忌酒厂开始兴起,发明了三明治,为了好玩,热气球于 1782 年首次飞行。在池塘的另一边,工业革命正在引领比赛在纺织生产、蒸汽动力和炼铁领域,但在杜松子酒成瘾的斗争中输了。这也是苦艾酒被发现的世纪。


从 1700 年代中期开始,通常在小酒馆中设立邮政服务部门。啤酒屋、酒馆、小酒馆和旅馆的一些名称包括甲壳虫和楔子、手铃小酒馆、城市小酒馆、弗朗西斯小酒馆、让·拉菲特的铁匠铺、杰索普的小酒馆、雄鹿和猎犬、鹰、羔羊、脏鸭、绿人、王冠、旧船、Publik House、Prospect of Whitby、Wiggin's Tavern、Blue Bell Inn 和 O'Malley's Pub。


在 1700 年代听到的饮酒词太多了,因为本杰明·富兰克林在 1737 年写了一本烛光书,题为《饮酒者词典》,其中列出了 200 多个饮酒词。其中一些和其他包括“沉迷”、“去过巴巴多斯”、“cockadoodled”、“cherry merry”、“cracked”、“cranked”、“剪辑国王的英语”、“头晕目眩”、“喝得像一条鱼”、“醉得像独轮车”、 “不怕人”、“糊涂”、“像山羊一样饱”、“有鼻涕”、“昏昏沉沉”、“喝得开心”、“满头蜜蜂” 、”“在高处”、“顶起”、“快活”、“喝得酩酊大醉”、“把它舔起来”、“失去了方向舵”、“烂醉如泥”、“被拧死了”、“醉醺醺的”、“醉醺醺的” ”和“炖”。







Magnum Elixir Stomachicum 是第一个已知的苦味剂,由Richard Stoughton 创造并获得专利。



新泽西州的 Colt Neck Inn 由 William Laird 的后裔开设,首次出售苹果杰克。









伦敦有 6,000 多个地方可以购买杜松子酒。



伊丽莎·史密斯 (Eliza Smith ) 在伦敦出版了《完美的家庭主妇:或者,成功的绅士伴侣》 。五十年出版了十八个版本。这本书包含数百张家庭收据(食谱),包括许多葡萄酒、甜酒和牛奶潘趣酒食谱:“制作精美的牛奶潘趣酒。取两夸脱水、一夸脱牛奶、半品脱柠檬汁和一夸脱白兰地,加糖适量;将牛奶和水放在一起稍微温热,然后是糖,然后是柠檬汁,搅拌均匀,然后是白兰地,再次搅拌并通过法兰绒袋,直到非常细,然后装瓶;它将保留两周或更长时间。”史密斯还用一只老公鸡提供了一份公鸡啤酒潘趣酒的配方。该配方甚至可能会搅动当今购买肉食的人的胃,因为他们习惯于将产品包裹在闪亮的塑料中,因此此处未对其进行描述,但如果需要,可以在谷歌上搜索。您可以在此处在 Google 图书上免费阅读。



美国第一个钓鱼俱乐部——也是今天最古老的连续俱乐部——被称为“Schuylkill 的殖民地”(今天它被称为宾夕法尼亚州的 Schuylkill 渔业公司)。俱乐部的目标是社交、钓鱼、吃喝。著名的“鱼屋潘趣酒”就是用朗姆酒、桃白兰地、柠檬、糖和水混合而成的。乔治华盛顿总统是一名获奖成员。



12 月 4 日,伦敦中央刑事法院提到了阿拉克拳:“夫人。大约凌晨 2 点,霍尔科姆坐马车到我家门口:我带他们上了两对楼梯,他们有一碗——只是一碗——阿拉克潘趣酒,一瓶酒,和三个果冻。”



伦敦中央刑事法院再次提到阿拉克潘趣酒:“他让我喝一杯潘趣酒,所以我进去了,他和我喝了四五碗阿拉克潘趣酒,到了 20 年代。和三品脱酒。”


伦敦中央刑事法院的文件太多了,不胜枚举;当时几乎所有可用的酒精都被提及。在oldbaileyonline.org在线查看它们。最令人震惊和最悲伤的文件显示了英格兰对杜松子酒上瘾的程度。 1734 年 2 月 27 日,一位母亲杀死了她两岁的女婴,以便她可以卖掉自己的衣服来购买杜松子酒。






grog是第一个代基里酒吗? 8 月 21 日,55 岁的英国皇家海军中将爱德华·弗农 (Edward Vernon) 发布命令,每天的朗姆酒配给应与一夸脱水、半品脱朗姆酒、酸橙汁和糖混合在值班中尉在场的情况下,甲板上的一个凿沉的枪托。 (弗农的绰号是“老酒”,因为他会在甲板上穿防水斗篷,这是由格格布制成的。水手们将这种饮料命名为“格罗格”。)嗯,格格似乎与经典代基里酒的成分相同——只是没有冰。在你拿出手机和谷歌搜索“scuttled butt”之前,它相当于现代办公室的饮水机,但由水手聚集的木桶(桶)制成。在顶部切了一个洞,以便为每个人提供熟食。  



Eliza Smith 出版了第一本已知的美国烹饪食谱书。这是《完美的家庭主妇:或成就的绅士伴侣》的第五版。你可以在这里购买一个 在 上。在Google 图书上免费阅读。



Glenmorangie 酒厂在苏格兰成立。







Drambuie 产于苏格兰。用 Drambuie 调制的最受欢迎的现代鸡尾酒是 Rusty Nail。




生产 J&B 苏格兰威士忌。







Marie Brizard 公司在法国波尔多成立。








Don Jose Cuervo 获得了在墨西哥种植龙舌兰植物的土地赠款。



亚瑟吉尼斯在都柏林圣詹姆斯门的一家未使用的啤酒厂签署了一份为期 9,000 年的租约。










理查德·轩尼诗 (Richard Hennessy) 创立了轩尼诗干邑。



生产戈登的杜松子酒。戈登的杜松子酒将在 1953 年的第一部詹姆斯邦德小说《皇家赌场》中被提及,当时邦德订购了 Vesper。

Henriod 姐妹为他们的苦艾酒做广告。



Evan Shelby 在田纳西州开设了第一家黑麦威士忌酒厂。




Jacob Beam 在肯塔基州建立了一家威士忌酒厂。


Johann Tobias Lowitz 开发了用于伏特加的木炭过滤器。

Elijah Pepper 在肯塔基州建造了一家小木屋酿酒厂。






费城医生和政治家本杰明·拉什(Benjamin Rush)出版了一本小册子,题为“精神酒对人类身心影响的调查” 。点击右边的书 



Antonio Carpano 在意大利发明了苦艾酒。







Jean-Jacob Schweppe 生产人造矿泉水。









Old Jake Beam Sour Mash 威士忌推出。









Anistatia Miller 和 Jared Brown 发现了“鸡尾酒”这个词的最新记录。 3 月 16 日星期五,英国伦敦的《晨报和公报》报道说,一位酒吧老板中了彩票并清偿了所有顾客的债务:

“唐宁街的一个税吏分得了 20,000 升。奖,擦掉他所有的分数,高兴得不得了:这是对他邻居的谦虚模仿,当他在州彩票中中奖时,他不仅擦掉了,而且还和他的老顾客一起打破了分数,并完全忘记了他们。”四天后,也就是 3 月 20 日,星期二,客户的债务在同一份报纸上公布。 “鸡尾酒”一词出现:


“L'huile de Venus”的两首小诗

同上,“perfeit amour”之一







鸡尾酒和鸡尾酒制作在 1800 年代以明亮的白色聚光灯登上舞台,美国调酒师是全世界的鸡尾酒明星。他们穿着压制的夹克,钻石领带夹,有领的衬衫;基本上,他们穿着得体。第一本食谱书出版,池塘冰(以及后来的人造冰)的出现改变了游戏规则,鸡尾酒的黄金时代闪耀着迄今为止最耀眼的光芒。酒保的职位——尽管是蓝领——被视为工人阶级的贵族。在那个年代,你必须成为调酒师学徒几年才能成为调酒师。一位名人调酒师 Jerry Thomas 带着一套纯银酒吧工具环游世界,并于 1862 年出版了第一本已知的美国鸡尾酒食谱书, Bar-Tender 指南,如何混合饮料,或 Bon-Vivant 的伴侣。


本世纪开始时美国人口约为 500 万,到 1899 年令人难以置信地增加到惊人的 7000 万。在此期间发生了许多进步,为下个世纪奠定了基础。这包括煤气灯、缝纫机、电报、摩尔斯电码、自行车、打字机、邮购目录、可口可乐、火柴盒和冰块配送。而且,和往常一样,一开始只有富人才能享受这些现代发明。


这些时代带来了新的技术进步的文明行为。在高档酒吧里,一个显赫的白人可以点一份鞋匠、地壳、翻转、熟酒、香槟鸡尾酒、曼哈顿、地震、马丁内斯、老式、冰雹、罗伯·罗伊、汤姆和杰瑞、雪风暴、罗菲尼亚克、大开眼界、Ramos Gin Fizz、Sazerac、Santa Cruz Punch、smash、Stone-Fence、sour、toddy 或 Tom Collins。


啤酒屋、小酒馆、沙龙和酒吧的一些名称包括 Bull and Mouth、 Bush Tavern、Chapter House、Crystal Palace Saloon、Golden Cross、Grove House Tavern、Hustler's Tavern、Jack's Elixir Bar、Knickerbocker Saloon、Iron Door Saloon、McSorley's Old Ale House、Old Absinthe House、Pete's Tavern、the Bucket of Blood、Cock Tavern、The Imperial Cabinet、Stag Saloon、Village Tavern、Tujague's、Occidental 和 White Horse Tavern。


在 1800 年代听到的饮酒词包括“高于标准”、“有点上”、“小说的几章”、“一杯太多”、“与约翰·巴利康的约会”、“一滴太多” “有点起泡”、“公共场合一团糟”、“头顶刺痛”、“与地板和平相处”、“透过玻璃看”、“撞到酱汁”、“看不见”梯子上的一个洞”、 “塞住了”、“对世界死了”、“醉了”、“像巴克斯一样醉”、“像四十只比山羊一样醉”、“感觉光荣”、“火了”、“雾驱动器” ,”“满满的”,“轧花”,“抬起小指”,“郁郁葱葱”,“月光”,“从最深处”,“润湿粘土”,“翻转和c”,“痰-切刀,”“阁楼上的一块面包和奶酪”,“抛光”,“在喉咙里熄灭火花”,“晃动”,“发臭”,“浸泡”,“被弄脏”,“坦克”,“润湿”口哨”、“头晕目眩”和“从一个人的头骨中敲出”。


推出的新品牌和烈酒包括 Averna、Black & White Scotch、Beefeater 杜松子酒、Boodles 杜松子酒、加拿大俱乐部威士忌、Cherry Heering、Don Q 朗姆酒、Galliano、George Dickel 威士忌、Grand Marnier、尊尼获加苏格兰威士忌、Herradura 龙舌兰酒、

Pimm 的 1 号、Rose 的酸橙汁、Sauza 龙舌兰酒、Seagram 的 7 威士忌、苦艾酒、Seagram 的 VO 威士忌、Tanqueray 杜松子酒、Fundador 西班牙白兰地、Lillet、Myers 的黑朗姆酒和 Lemon Hart 朗姆酒。






4 月 28 日,新罕布什尔州的报纸《农民内阁》中出现了第一个已知的美国人使用“鸡尾酒”一词作为饮料的记录:

“喝了一杯鸡尾酒——对头脑很好。 . .打电话给医生。发现伯纳姆——他看起来很聪明——又喝了一杯鸡尾酒。”



5 月 6 日,美国纽约的 The Balance and Columbian Repository (No. 18 Vol. V) 出现了第二次使用“鸡尾酒”一词作为饮料的美国人



损失。 720 杯朗姆酒,17 杯白兰地,32 杯杜松子酒,411 杯苦酒,25 杯。鸡尾酒



           在纽约的克拉弗拉克举行了一场选举,(在那个时代)试图用免费的酒来赢得选票是很常见的。失败者在当地的这家报纸上发表了他的得失。翻译 25 做。 =  25 美元和 25 美元 = 2017 年的 600 美元。

            7 天后,该报 28 岁的编辑、纽约哥伦比亚县的哈里·克罗斯威尔(Harry Croswell)于 5 月 13 日发布了迄今为止已知为酒精饮料的“鸡尾酒的第一个定义”。克罗斯威尔很少发表任何东西他说,但这次破例回答订阅者的问题。




          我在你第 6 分钟的论文中观察到,在一个民主党候选人竞选立法机关席位的叙述中,标明在 Loss 的标题下,25 do。鸡尾酒。你愿意告诉我这种提神是什么意思吗?虽然对你来说是个陌生人,但我相信,从你的一般性格来看,你不会认为这个要求是无礼的。















La Piña de Plata(银菠萝)餐厅和酒吧在古巴哈瓦那开业。没有人知道当时这里供应的鸡尾酒是什么——但一百年后,这家酒吧被命名为 Bar La Florida,绰号为 Floridita。它以冷冻代基里酒和名人赞助人(包括诺贝尔奖获得者欧内斯特·海明威)而闻名。


Beefeater 杜松子酒酿酒厂建于英国。



《间谍》中,作家詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀(James Fenimore Cooper)写了一个名叫贝蒂·弗拉纳根(Betty Flanagan)的虚构人物,他发明了鸡尾酒。 Flanagan 的角色据说是基于一个名叫Catherine Hustler的真人 (1767-1832)在 1812 年战争期间在纽约刘易斯顿经营 Hustler's Tavern,并将公鸡尾羽放入饮料(鸡尾酒)中。



Pimm's Cup No. 1 由 James Pimm 在伦敦首次制作。





George Smith 创立了 Glenlivet 酒厂。



第一个奢华的伦敦杜松子酒宫殿开始建造。它们以华丽的风格装饰。后来,在 1836 年,查尔斯·狄更斯说,“与我们刚刚离开的黑暗和泥土形成鲜明对比,简直令人眼花缭乱。”




牛津大学的学生出版了第一本已知的酒精饮料食谱书《牛津睡帽:在大学制作各种饮料的收据集》 。基本上,大学生会花时间整理一本食谱书,这样他们就可以聚会了。他们出版了几个版本近一百年。点击这里 看里面。





生产 Talisker 苏格兰威士忌和 Tanqueray 杜松子酒。



 查尔斯狄更斯在Martin Chuzzlewit中写道,“他可以。 . .比他认识的任何私人绅士都抽更多的烟草,喝更多的朗姆酒、薄荷朱利酒、杜松子酒和鸡尾酒。”


生产 Courvoisier 干邑白兰地。

汤姆和杰瑞热鸡尾酒在 Symbol and Odd Fellow's Magazine中被提及。



Noilly 公司生产的干苦艾酒首先通过新奥尔良引入美国。




Aalborg akvavit 在挪威生产。






Walter 和 Alfred Gilbey 开设了 Gilbey 的杜松子酒酿酒厂。



  Joseph Santini 在他于 1843 年在新奥尔良开设的名为





纽约酒吧老板乔治萨拉在查尔斯狄更斯的每周 24 页期刊《家庭用语》中谈到了酒吧老板。这篇文章将酒保和他的助手描述为博学的绅士、有成就的艺术家、熟练的杂技演员、魔术大师和瓶子魔术师,他们一边扔玻璃杯,一边扔瓶子。











生产 Seagram 的 VO 威士忌。



美国调酒师 Jerry Thomas 开始创作他的第一本书,该书于 1862 年出版。



金巴利 由 Gaspare Campari 介绍。



Jerry Thomas 出版了第一本已知的美国鸡尾酒食谱书, Bar-Tender's Guide,How to Mix Drinks,或 Bon-Vivant's Companion

点击书 看里面。


当 Angostura 苦味酒在伦敦大博览会上展出时,鸡尾酒粉红杜松子酒是在伦敦发明的。



GE Roberts 出版杯子和他们的习俗。点击书看里面。有一段关于一个名叫比利“欺负”道森的自大打孔机制造商

它说, 看到、做或想到任何事情的人 在他做Punch的时候,不妨在羊肉山上寻找西北通道。 . .我可以并且确实做出了出色的 Punch,因为我什么都不做;这就是我的做法。我退到一个僻静的角落,准备好我的食材;它们如下;我按照这里写的顺序混合它们。糖,十二个可耐受的块;热水,一品脱;柠檬,两个,果汁和果皮;老牙买加朗姆酒,两腮;白兰地,一个鳃;波特或粗壮,半个鳃;阿拉克,轻微的冲刺。我让自己五分钟按上述比例制作一个碗,在我提供配料时小心搅拌混合物,直到它真正起泡;然后,袋鼠!多么美丽!阅读此处的段落。



George Pullman 设计铁路卧铺车厢、餐车和提供鸡尾酒的休闲车厢。






苏格兰人 Lauchlin Rose 推出了甜酸橙汁,并将其命名为 Rose's Lime Cordial。到 1879 年,他完善了包装。


George Dickel 建立了他的酿酒厂。

哈珀的 11 月新月刊报道说,有 500 瓶雪利酒

一天之内,在法国世界博览会上以 1 法郎的价格生产雪利酒鞋匠。 1 法郎相当于 2018 年货币的 13 美元。



有关美国鸡尾酒和鸡尾酒调酒器的文章发表在两份英国出版物上:英国期刊 Notes and Queries 和 Meliora: A Quarterly Review of Social Science。



英国人 William Terrington 出版了清凉杯和精致饮料:“杯子”和其他复合饮料的食谱集以及各种饮料的一般信息。他在 1872 年继续出版了第二版。点击这本书看里面。


J. Haney 出版了Haney 的管家和酒吧老板手册

马克吐温在他的回忆录Innocents Abroad中提到了香槟鸡尾酒。


美国作曲家约瑟夫·温纳(Joseph Winner)创作了饮酒歌曲“Little Brown Jug”。它提到了烈酒杜松子酒和朗姆酒。七十年后,乐队领队格伦米勒用他的摇摆乐团录制了这首歌。






在奥地利维也纳举行的世界博览会上,美国展览馆有一个巨大的棚屋,美洲原住民调酒师在三个圆形酒吧后面制作鸡尾酒。 The Exposition 的 Rotunda 酒吧在他们的鸡尾酒中引入了一些新的东西——吸管。



Criterion 餐厅和剧院在伦敦开业,并设有美式酒吧。装饰由镜子和白色大理石组成。







HL W 出版American Bar-Tender 或 The Art and Mystery of Making Drinks




L. Engel 出版American and Other Drinks



OH Byron 出版了《现代调酒师指南》

J. Kirtion 出版了令人陶醉的饮料:他们的历史和奥秘





Cocktail à la Louisiane 餐厅在新奥尔良发明了 Cocktail à la Louisiane。



Harry Johnson 出版了 Harry Johnson 的调酒师手册或如何混合当前风格的饮料






EJ Hauck 为三件式鸡尾酒调酒器申请了专利。


纽约 G. Winter Brewing Company 发布了一份用于一流沙龙的玻璃器皿清单。调酒师指南列出了超过 25 种所需的玻璃器皿。



Jerry Thomas 出版了第二版The Bar-Tenders Guide 或 How to Mixing All Kinds of Plain and Fancy Drinks


C. Paul 出版American Drinks




H. Lamore 出版了调酒师或如何混合饮料


1890 年代

Jules Alciatore 在新奥尔良发明了 Café Brûlot Diabolique(恶魔般燃烧的咖啡)。



Henry J. Wehmann 出版了 Wehmann 的调酒师指南。迄今为止,这本书有第二个已知的马提尼配方参考。


William T. Boothby 出版鸡尾酒布斯比的美国调酒师



“唯一的威廉”施密特出版了流动的碗——喝什么和什么时候喝。四年后,他出版了他的第二本书,花式饮料和流行饮料。施密特的书与当时所有其他鸡尾酒名人书都不同,因为他的食谱需要不寻常的物品,如补品磷酸盐、Calisaya(意大利草本利口酒)、玫瑰奶油,甚至还有在肉豆蔻上模版的装饰。他在报纸上发表了圣诞鸡尾酒,制作了 5 美元的鸡尾酒(按 2018 年的货币计算为 140 美元),尽管没有 100% 得到证实——但人们高度相信——他是第一位已知的同性恋名人调酒师。点击书看里面。




GF Heublein 生产了第一批商业曼哈顿和马提尼瓶装鸡尾酒,其标语是“在家中享用比在世界上任何酒吧供应的更好的鸡尾酒”。

Cornelius Dungan 为双锥卷动机申请了专利。



CF Lawlor 出版了混合学家或如何混合各种花式饮料

Jack Daniel's 开始在其著名的方瓶中装瓶。

RC Miller 出版美国酒吧招标书。


乔治 J. 卡普勒 (George J. Kappler) 出版了现代美式饮料:如何混合和供应各种杯子和饮料



Rob Roy 在纽约第五大道酒店推出。


托马斯杜瓦爵士和弗雷德里克格拉苏普在纽约市发行了杜瓦的苏格兰商业电影,该电影放映在百老汇 1321 号先驱广场的帆布屏幕上。






Ward 8 鸡尾酒是在波士顿发明的。





1551 画作 彼得·阿尔森 |公共区域


1552年作画 彼得·阿尔森 |公共区域


历史悠久的小酒馆 在布拉格。 


1575年作画 彼得·阿尔森 |公共区域


摘自 1552 年的《 Constelijck Distiller 》一书 菲利普斯·赫尔曼尼的书 |公共区域


绘画 Jan Steen 1625 | | WahooArt.com公共区域


绘画 Jan Steen 1625 | | WahooArt.com公共区域


约翰哈佛 |  alainedouard [CC BY-SA 3.0 或 GFDL ,通过 Wikimedia Commons


蒙特斯碗 | 大都会艺术博物馆 [CC0]​

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照片来自美国最古老酿酒厂的第九代老板 Lisa Laird,


签署独立宣言 与马德里亚一起敬酒。

本杰明富兰克林的饮酒词典的页面来自 奇怪的博客网站

ben franklin drinker's dictionary pennsy
ben franklin drinker's dictionary pennsy
ben franklin drinker's dictionary pennsy

伊丽莎史密斯的书公共领域 通过维基共享资源

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公共区域 通过维基共享资源


由 Édouard Manet - 博物馆页面,公共领域

Mint Julep.jpg

Susan Bourgoin 拍摄的薄荷朱利酒照片 |视觉美食网





伊丽莎白哈蒙德的现代家庭烹饪书。点击图书从 购买

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1851 年的新奥尔良。新奥尔良创造的鸡尾酒比世界上任何一个城市都多。在 1800 年代,在此期间供应的一些鸡尾酒包括 罗菲尼亚克,白兰地地壳,路易斯安那鸡尾酒 和萨泽拉克。其他采用的流行鸡尾酒包括薄荷朱利酒、老式鸡尾酒和牛奶潘趣酒。对于富人来说,冰湖和池塘的冰也可以买到。  埃弗里特历史/存在Shutterstock

白兰地地壳的发明者约瑟夫·桑蒂尼在 1867 年访问法国时。照片由戴安娜·雷曼(桑蒂尼的曾孙女

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The Waldorf-Astoria in New York City had been open for seven years and set the standard for quality cocktails around the world. Drink making was appreciated and bartending was an art form. The hotel bar never published a cocktail book, but newspaperman and barfly Albert Crockett published The Old Waldorf-Astoria Bar Book in 1931 and 1935, which gives us a glimpse into that era. In the early 1900s, breweries owned most saloons, barkeeps made $15 a week ($400 in 2018 currency), and Sunday was the busiest day of the week. On January 16, 1920, the American Prohibition started, then ended December 5, 1933. The stock market crashed, media popularized cocktails, many brands were produced, discotheques increased sales, the drinking age changed twice, the AIDS epidemic hit, the stock market crashed again, and strict drinking and driving laws confused imbibers for several years—as a result of all this upheaval, the quality of cocktails sunk to an all-time low.



There were also five significant wars in the 1900s that affected imbibing Americans: World War I, World War II, Korean War, Vietnam War, and the Gulf War. The millennium brought the skankification of women in rap music videos, the increase of Cognac sales, half-dressed female bartenders dancing on bar tops, the Cosmopolitan and the Mojito became the most popular cocktails in the world, embarrassing Martini bars popped up—but—the most important development is that the cocktail culture renaissance seeds were planted.


More technology happened in during this time than 10,000 years combined. Some inventions in this century include electricity, the blender, the juicer, refrigeration, air-conditioning, the phonograph, radio, the eight-track player, the cassette tape, the compact disc, the boom box, the Walkman, DVDs, iTunes, the automobile, the airplane, the helicopter, the spaceship, motion picture theaters, talkies, drive-in theaters, television, VCRs, special-effects blockbusters, DVRs, online television, the camera, the video camera, neon lights, the zipper, stainless steel, canned beer, the telephone, the cellular phone, the smartphone, texting, the microwave, the calculator, robots, the ballpoint pen, medical discoveries, the fax machine, the pager, the computer, the Internet, Skype, the Hubble space telescope, and social media.


Names of bars, saloons, and clubs in the 1900s–2000s include Fox and Hound, Filthy McNasty’s, Fuzz & Firkin, Slug and Lettuce, Snooty Fox, Ciro’s, Chez Victor, the Ohio Club, the Ritz, Whiskey A Go-Go, Stork Club, the Tiki Lounge, VooDoo Lounge, the Palace Saloon, Sloppy Joe’s, Studio 54, Le Freak, Disco Inferno, Cabaret, Electric Cowboy, the Rainbow Room, the Starlight Room, the Velvet Tango Room, Coyote Ugly, Angel’s Share, Absinthe Brassiere & Bar, and Milk & Honey, PDT, Death & Co, Honeycut, Clover Club, Bourbon & Branch, Canon, Revel, Employees Only, the Violet Room, Three Dots and a Dash, and the Dead Rabbit.


Drinking words heard include “acting like a fool,” “baked,” “bashed,” “blasted,” “blitzed,” “blown away,” “bombed,” “bonkers,” “buzzed,” “canned,” “creamed,” “crocked,” “done,” “double vision,” “fried,” “gone,” “hammered,” “high,” “liquored up,” “lit,” “party animal,” “three sheets to the wind,” “shitfaced,” “slave to drink,” “stoned,” “tipsy,” “toasted,” and “wasted.”


Brands and spirits launched in the 1900s–2000s are too many to mention, but include Cutty Sark Scotch, Havana Club rum, Jägermeister, Kahlúa, B&B, Crown Royal, Don Julio tequila, Captain Morgan spiced rum, Irish Mist, Yukon Jack, Finlandia vodka, Stoli vodka, Midori melon liqueur, Baileys Irish cream, Zacapa rum, Absolut vodka, Chambord, Peachtree schnapps, Bartles & Jaymes wine coolers, Absolut Peppar, Absolut Citron, Bombay Sapphire, Gentleman Jack, Patron Tequila, Guinness in cans, Johnnie Walker gold, Crown Royal Reserve, Skyy vodka, Wild Turkey Rare Breed, Grey Goose vodka, Belvedere vodka, Tito’s vodka, Redrum, Plymouth gin, Three Olives vodka, Smirnoff Ice, Van Gogh gin, Hendrick’s gin, Jack Daniel’s single barrel, Bulleit Bourbon, and Smirnoff flavored vodkas, Ancho Reyes Chile liqueur, Ford’s gin, Chambord vodka, Zucca Amaro, St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Stiggins Plantation pineapple rum, and Sipsmith gin.


Early 1900s

The Pisco Sour is invented in Peru.



Harry Johnson publishes Harry Johnson’s Bartenders’ Manual or How to Mix Drinks of the Present Style.


William T. Boothby publishes the second edition of Cocktail Boothby’s American Bartender.



Louis Eppinger invented the Bamboo Cocktail in Yokohama, Japan.



Edward Spencer publishes The Flowing Bowl. Click on the book to look inside.

Tim Daly publishes Daly’s Bartenders’ Encyclopedia.



Frederick J. Drake and Company publishes a vest-pocket recipe book, Drinks as They Are Mixed. The recipes were gathered by leading Chicago bartenders. 


John Applegreen publishes Applegreen’s Bar Book. This book contains a recipe for a Martini Cocktail.


Paris Ritz bartender Frank P. Newman publishes American-Bar Recettes des Boissons Anglaises et Américaine.



Johnnie Solon invents the Bronx cocktail at the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel.

Charles S. Mahoney publishes The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide.


Louis Muckensturm publishes Louis’ Mixed Drinks. This is the first book in English calling for gin and vermouth for the Dry Martini recipe.


George J. Kappeler publishes Modern American Drinks: How to Mix and Serve All Kinds of Cups and Drinks.



Hon. Wm. Boothby publishes The World’s Drinks and How to Mix Them Standard Authority. Click on the book to look inside.



First in-flight cocktails are served to paying passengers on a scheduled airliner, on the Zeppelin flying over Germany.



Sir Thomas Dewar erects the world’s largest mechanical sign (sixty-eight feet) advertising Dewar’s Scotch whisky on the Thames River embankment.



Charles S. Mahoney publishes The Hoffman House Bartender’s Guide.

The Bartenders Association of America publishes Bartenders’ Manual.



Jacques Straub publishes Drinks.



The El Presidente cocktail is invented at Bar la Florida (Floridita) in Havana, Cuba.



The first recorded cocktail party is hosted by Mrs. Julius S. Walsh Jr. from St. Louis, Missouri, and published in the St. Paul Pioneer Press newspaper mentioning cocktails: Clover Leafs, Highballs, Gin Fizzes, Bronxes, Martinis, and Manhattans.


Hugo R. Ensslin publishes Recipes for Mixed Drinks. The book mentions the first Aviation cocktail. Click on the book to look inside.



Even though African Americans had been tending bar since the 1700s, Tom Bullock is the first known to publish a cocktail recipe book, The Ideal Bartender. Click on the book to look inside.



Harry MacElhone publishes Harry’s ABC of Mixing Cocktails. One of the most popular cocktails is the White Lady.


American tourists love Italy’s Torino-Milano cocktail, so the name was changed to Americano.


The Grasshopper is believed to be invented at Tujague’s in New Orleans.



The American Prohibition begins. Americans visit Cuba, Mexico, and Canada to drink legal cocktails.

Bertha E. L. Stockbridge publishes What to Drink.


The book This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald has the first known literary mention of the Daiquiri.



Patrick McGarry invents the Buck’s Fizz at the Buck’s Club in London.

Harry MacElhone invents the Brandy Alexander at Ciro’s in London.


The Blood and Sand cocktail is created after Rudolph Valentino from the film of the same name.


It is believed that Fosco Scarselli creates the Negroni.



Harry MacElhone invents the Monkey Gland at the New York Bar in Paris.

Bartender Frank Meier invents the Mimosa at the Ritz Hotel in Paris, France



Harry MacElhone and O. O. McIntyre create the International Bar Flies at the New York Bar in Paris.



Harry MacElhone publishes Barflies and Cocktails in Paris.



Jerry Thomas’s book is republished (Thomas died in 1885) with the title The Bon Vivants Companion or How to Mix Drinks.



Harry Craddock publishes Savoy Cocktail Book.


Greta Garbo stars in her first “talkie,” Anna Christie, and her first words are “Gimme a whiskey, ginger ale on the side.”



The Napier Company produces a cocktail shaker with engraved recipes called the "Tells-You-How Mixer."


Davide Campari packages Campari and soda water in cone-shaped bottles.



Walter Bergeron invents the Vieux Carré cocktail at the Carousel Bar in New Orleans.

Don the Beachcomber invents the Zombie in Hollywood, California.


The first Thin Man film is released starring William Powell and Myrna Loy. Cocktails seen include Martini, Bronx, and Knickerbocker. Powell says his famous line when showing the bartenders how to shake a cocktail: “The important thing is the rhythm. Always have rhythm in your shaking. Now, a Manhattan you shake to foxtrot time; a Bronx, to two-step time; a dry martini you always shake to waltz time.”


Jazz Bandleader and singer Cab Calloway releases the song “The Call of the Jitterbug.” The first line of the song is “If you'd like to be a jitterbug, first thing you must do is get a jug, put whiskey, wine, and gin within and shake it all up and then begin.



The Bacardi Cocktail is the first and only cocktail to date to win a court case making it illegal to serve this cocktail without using Bacardi rum.


Kahlúa Mexican coffee liqueur is introduced.



Constantino Ribaliagua Vert invents the Hemingway Special (Papa Dobl) at Bar la Florida (Floridita) in Havana, Cuba.



The Zombie is served at the 1939 New York World’s Fair.

Crown Royal is introduced. It was created for Queen Elizabeth’s visit to Canada.



The Moscow Mule is invented.



It is believed that Pat O’Brien invents the Hurricane in New Orleans.

Joseph Sheridan invents the Irish Coffee at Foynes Airbase in Limerick, Ireland.

It is believed that the Rusty Nail is invented in Hawaii.

The film Casablanca is popular and many cocktails are seen in Rick’s Bar.



Trader Vic invents the Mai Tai in Oakland, California.



The Andrews Sisters release the song “Rum and Coca-Cola” and it becomes the #1 song in America. Radio stations ban the song, which makes it even more popular.


Giuseppe Cipriani invents the Bellini at Harry’s Bar in Venice, Italy, but does not name it until 1948.


Victor Bergeron publishes Trader Vic's Bartender’s Guide.



The Margarita becomes the official drink of Mexico.


A small group of California bartenders—who were overseas members of the United Kingdom Bartenders’ Guild—start a California branch of that organization in the Los Angeles area.


Gustave Tops invents the Black Russian at the Hotel Metropole in Brussels.


The first known mention of a cocktail on a radio show is heard. Guests at a party order Stingers from the butler on The Whistler radio drama show, “Guilty Conscience”. Several references are made to their intoxicating strength.



Stanton Delaplane brings the Irish Coffee to the Buena Vista Cafe in San Francisco. Today they sell over 2,000 a day.



Ian Fleming writes about a fictional character named James Bond. In chapter seven, Bond orders a Dry Martini served in a deep champagne goblet with three measures of Gordon’s gin, one of Gordon’s vodka, and half a measure of Lillet dry vermouth, then shaken very well until ice-cold, and topped with a garnish of lemon peel. This is the first reference to combining both vodka and gin in a Martini. It is named Vesper.



The Piña Colada is invented at the Caribe Hilton’s Beachcomber Bar in San Juan, Puerto Rico.



The Rat Pack, headed by Frank Sinatra, glamorizes cocktails by holding them on stage and during TV performances



Harry Yee invents the Blue Hawaii at the Hawaiian Village on the Island of O’ahu.

The Piña Colada becomes Puerto Rico’s official drink by winning a global award.



The International Bartenders Association (IBA) is started.



The first Playboy Club opens at 116 East Walton in Chicago and becomes the busiest bar in the world, often serving 1,400 guests a day. Cocktails cost $1.50 ($13 in 2018 currency).



Come September starring Rock Hudson, Bobby Darin, and Sandra Dee was the very first film shown on transcontinental and intercontinental flights. Hudson 

drinks a Martini for breakfast. The servant asks him if there is anything else he may want and Rock replies, “an oliveThe best scene is when Rock tends bar and serves Bobby Darin and his friends brandy. 



The first James Bond film, Dr. No, shows Sean Connery making a Smirnoff Martini in his hotel room and ordering Vodka Martinis shaken not stirred. In today’s terminology—it went viral. He also orders a Vodka Martini when visiting Dr. No.






Alan Stillman opens a New York City bar and grill as the first public cocktail party hang and names it TGI Friday’s (Thank God It’s Friday). Lifetime magazine credited Friday’s with ushering in the Singles Era and within six months of opening, Stillman was written up in Time, Newsweek, and the Saturday Evening Post. Before then, there was not a place for twenty- and thirty-somethings to meet except for cocktail parties held around the city in homes and apartments. Stillman painted the building blue, put up red-and-white-striped awnings, bought the staff red-and-white-striped shirts, threw sawdust on the floor, hung up some Tiffany lamps, and added brass railings. Many creative, fun, and party cocktails were birthed in TGI Friday’s.



India’s ambassador B. N. Chakravarty says, “Americans are a funny lot. They drink whiskey to keep warm; then they put some ice in to make it cool. They put sugar in to make it sweet; and then they put a slice of lemon in it to make it sour. Then they say, ‘Here’s to you’ and drink it themselves.”



Bobby Lozoff invents the Tequila Sunrise in Sausalito, California, while tending bar at The Trident.



Robert “Rosebud” Butt in Long Island, New York, invents the Long Island Iced Tea while tending bar at Oak Beach Inn.

Stolichnaya vodka is introduced.

The TV show M*A*S*H debuts. The lead doctor characters, Hawkeye and Trapper John, drink Martinis from the still they built in their quarters.



After the Vietnam War, TGI Friday’s begins franchising all over the world and actually stays a fresh bar until the late 1970s. TGI Friday’s set a standard when it came to training staff. They had a reputation for the most challenging training programs for any chain restaurant/bar in the world. They created the first bartender gods since the beginning of Prohibition. TGI Friday’s bartenders also started flair bartending, which led to the 1988 Tom Cruise film Cocktail.


Jose Cuervo puts the recipe for a Tequila Sunrise on the back of their bottle, then three months later the Eagles release their hit song “Tequila Sunrise.”



Baileys Irish cream is introduced and new drinks created include the Mississippi Mudslide and B-52.



In the fall, Neal Murray creates the first known Cosmopolitan 



Jimmy Buffett releases the song “Margaritaville,” making the Margarita the most popular drink of the year—and it has stayed in the top ten since.


Stan Jones publishes the Jones’ Complete Barguide.


The first known newspaper mention of a Kamikaze was in the February 1 issue of the Minneapolis Star.



Midori melon liqueur is launched to create the Melon Ball for the wrap party of Saturday Night Fever at Studio 54. Midori Sours become popular.



The Piña Colada is popular due to Rupert Holmes’s Piña Colada song, Escape.

Absolut vodka is introduced.


Ray Foley publishes Bartender Magazine.



Neal Murray (1975 inventor of the Cosmopolitan) introduces San Francisco to the Cosmopolitan at the Elite Café (2049 Fillmore Street). Murray works as a server, but teaches bartender Michael Brennan how to make it so Murray can serve it to customers.



Schumann’s Cocktail Bar opens in Munich, Germany.



Peachtree schnapps and Captain Morgan spiced rum are introduced.

The Fuzzy Navel becomes popular.


Earl Bernhardt and Pam Fortner invent the Hand Grenade® for the 1984 Louisiana World Exposition.


The Sex on the Beach cocktail becomes popular.

Heywood Gould releases the novel Cocktail.



General Manager of the Fog City Diner in San Francisco, Doug "Bix" Biederbeck, hires Neal Murray as a bartender where he makes his Cosmopolitan making the cocktail even more popular.


Balladeer and researcher Tayler Vrooman was fascinated with songs from the 1600s and 1700s and released his album Baroque Bacchanalian. On the album, there are songs about drinking with titles that include “Come Let Us Drink About,” “Good Claret,” “The Delights of the Bottle,” and “The Thirsty Toper.”



Chef Paul Prudhomme invents the Cajun Martini in New Orleans.


TGI Friday’s makes a bartender video of company bartenders John “JB” Bandy, John Mescall, and “Magic” Mike Werner. Later in the year, the company holds the first flair bartending competition in Woodland Hills, California, and calls it Bar Olympics. John “JB” Bandy wins. Check out my Flair Bartending page.


Absolut launches their first flavored vodka, Absolut Peppar.



After Touchstone Productions interviews thirty-four bartenders, they chose John “JB” Bandy to be the flair instructor for Tom Cruise and Bryan Brown for the 1988 film Cocktail.


In October, bartender Patrick “Paddy” Mitten brings the Cosmopolitan cocktail to NYC from San Francisco and begins serving it at the Life Café (343 E 10th Street B).



Cocktail the film starring Tom Cruise as a bartender, ignites flair bartending around the world.


Absolut Citron, Bombay Sapphire, Gentleman Jack, and Guinness in cans are introduced.

Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff begins a gourmet approach to cocktails at the Rainbow Room in New York City.



Unaware of any other cocktail called a Cosmopolitan, Cheryl Cook creates the Miami Beach Cosmopolitan in March 1989.


Kathy Casey from Seattle, Washington, pioneers the bar chef movement.


The world’s longest bar is installed at the Beer Barrel Saloon in South Bass Island, Ohio.

The bar has 160 barstools and is 405’ and 10” long (that's 45’ and 10” longer than a football field).



The first Portland, Oregon, fresh classic bar, Zefiro, opens.



Gary Regan publishes The Bartender’s Bible.

Wild Turkey Rare Breed is introduced.

Charles Schumann publishes Schumann’s American Bar Book.


Chuck Rohm is the first cocktail related website on the Internet. He sells a VHS flair bartending video on his site See my First Websites page.



Cocktail godfather Paul Harrington is recognized in San Francisco for making classic cocktails. See my Craft Cocktail Timeline page.


Absolut Kurrant, Johnnie Walker Gold, and Crown Royal Reserve are introduced.



The first known cocktail recipe book to list the Cosmopolitan cocktail is The Complete Book of Mixed Drinks by Anthony Dias Blue. Blue credits Julie’s Supper Club in San Francisco for the recipe.


Straight Up or On the Rocks is published by William Grimes.


Scotland celebrates 500 years of whisky production.


On Wednesday, November 16 in The Central New Jersey Home News (New Brunswick, New Jersey) the first known recipe for a Cosmopolitan is published in a newspaper. The recipe was contributed by Dale DeGroff.



The first World Wide Web cocktail-related sites begin to be launched. View them all on my First Websites page.

Bacardi Limon rum is introduced.

Steve Olson begins teaching “Gin Cocktail Clinics” helping consumers make fresh and classic cocktails in their homes.



Sammy Hagar’s Cabo Wabo Tequila and the first organic vodka, Rain, are introduced.

Paulius Nasvytis opens the classic cocktail bar the Velvet Tango Room in Cleveland, Ohio.

The Corona Limona becomes popular (a shot of Bacardi Limon rum in a Corona beer).


The film Swingers shows characters drinking classic cocktails and quality booze, which helps set the tone for the germinating craft cocktail movement.



Quench, on the Food Network, brings cocktails to TV.

Simon Difford’s Class Magazine is launched.

Grey Goose vodka and Chopin vodka are introduced.

Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller publish Shaken Not Stirred: A Celebration of the Martini.

Gary Regan publishes New Classic Cocktails.



Paul Harrington and Laura Moorhead publish the game-changing Cocktail: The Drinks Bible for the 21st Century.


On April 9, the first known Cosmopolitan cocktail is seen and mentioned on a television show was written into the show ER by Linda Gase. The season 4 episode 17 is called “A Bloody Mess.”


Patrick Sullivan opens B-Side Lounge, which is considered Boston’s first fresh classic cocktail bar.


Tony Abou-Ganim is hired to bring classic fresh cocktails to all twenty-three bars at Bellagio in Las Vegas.


The first known videogame to mention a cocktail is Metal Gear Solid when Nastasha Romanenko says that a Stinger is her favorite cocktail.


On July 19, season one, episode seven “The Monogamists,” the Cosmopolitan cocktail was first mentioned on the HBO show Sex and the City. The voice over of the character Carrie Bradshaw read: “That afternoon I dragged my poor, tortured soul out to lunch with Stanford Blach and attempted to stun it senseless with Cosmopolitans.” See my Cosmopolitan Cocktail History page.



Smirnoff Ice, Absolut Mandarin, Van Gogh gin, Hendrick’s gin, and Jack Daniel’s Single Barrel are introduced.


Tommy’s Mexican Restaurant ran by Julio Bermejo in San Francisco becomes the number-one tequila bar in America.


David Wondrich begins to update the online version of Esquire’s 1949 Handbook for Hosts.


Ted A. Breaux becomes the first to analyze vintage absinthe using modern science, the results sparking a paradigm shift in our understanding of the infamous spirit.


Sasha Petraske opens Milk & Honey on New Year’s Eve in New York City.


In the second season of the HBO TV show Sex and the City, the Cosmopolitan becomes the new worldwide hottest cocktail due to being seen in ten episodes and verbally mentioned in three episodes. It pairs nicely with the flavored Martini craze and Martini bars found in all major cities that offered 200+ flavored Martinis on their menus.



The film Coyote Ugly shows scantily clad cowgirl bartenders slinging whiskey and dancing on the bar top.


Tanqueray 10, Alizé, Tequiza, Smirnoff Twist flavored vodkas, and Wild Turkey Russell’s Reserve is introduced.


The Beekman Arms of Rhinebeck in New York is the oldest continuously operating tavern in America.



Hpnotiq plans to launch on September 11, but America is attacked, so the launch takes place months later.


Gary Regan begins conducting a series of two-day bartender workshops called Cocktails in the Country.



After forty years, James Bond makes another cocktail popular around the world. Pierce Brosnan (Bond) holds a Mojito in Cuba and then hands it to an orange bikini-clad Halle Berry—overnight, it revives the classic Mojito and is still one of the most ordered cocktails in the world today. Bartenders are bombarded with drink requests and 99 percent of them do not have one mint leaf behind the bar.


Dekuyper Sour Apple Pucker is introduced.


Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff publishes the book that officially kicks off the craft cocktail movement, The Craft of the Cocktail: Everything You Need to Know to Be a Master Bartender. See my Craft Cocktail Timeline page.


The Appletini becomes popular.


The first cocktail festival, Tales of the Cocktail is launched in New Orleans.


William Grimes publishes Straight Up or On the Rocks: The Story of the American Cocktail.

Jeff “Beachbum” Berry publishes Intoxica.

Kevin Brauch hosts the drinking travel series TV show The Thirsty Traveler.

The first known film to show and mention a Cosmopolitan cocktail is Juwanna Mann.



Julie Reiner opens Flatiron Lounge, the first high-volume craft cocktail bar in New York City.

Colin Peter Field publishes The Cocktails of Ritz Paris.


Alan Jackson and Jimmy Buffett release the song  “It’s Five O’clock Somewhere,”

The chorus starts with, “Pour me somethin’ tall an’ strong, make it a Hurricane before I go insane.” The flair bartender in the music video is Rob Husted from


Absolut vanilla and Blavod black vodka are introduced.

Gary Regan publishes The Joy of Mixology.

The first known song to mention a Cosmopolitan cocktail is “Cosmopolitans” written and performed by Erin McKeown.



The Museum of the American Cocktail is founded in New Orleans by Dale and Jill DeGroff, Chris and Laura McMillian, Ted Haigh, Robert Hess, Phil Greene, and Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller.


Absolut Raspberri is introduced.

Ted Haigh publishes Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails.

The award-winning bar Employees Only opens in New York City.

Jeff “Beachbum” Berry publishes Taboo Table.



Sasha Petraske opens Little Branch in New York City.


Captain Morgan Tattoo, Absolut Peach, Starbuck’s coffee liqueur, Barsol pisco, Cognac Toulouse-Lautrec X.O., Baileys Caramel, Baileys Chocolate Mint, and NAVAN

are introduced.


In September, University of Pennsylvania archaeochemist Patrick McGovern announces the discovery of 5,000-year-old Mesopotamian earthenware from the banks of the Tigris between Iran and Iraq that contain traces of honey, barley, tartaric acid, and apple juice. McGovern described this cocktail as “grog.”


Audrey Saunders opens Pegu Club in New York City.

Heavy Water vodka from Anistatia Miller and Jared Brown is introduced.

David Wondrich publishes Killer Cocktails.



CMT airs a reality show called Inside the Real Coyote Ugly. Ten women are chosen out of one thousand to learn how to bartend Coyote Ugly–style.


Karen Foley publishes the award-winning drinks magazine Imbibe.


Oprah Winfrey and Rachael Ray make a Lemon Drop Martini and a Pomegranate Martini on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Bartenders all over America are asked for these cocktails.


The Jäger Bomb becomes popular.


Sasha Petraske, Christy Pope, and Chad Solomon start Cuffs & Buttons—a beverage consultant and catering company.


X-Rated Fusion, 10 Cane rum, Gran Patrón Platinum 100 percent Agave Tequila, Michael Collins Irish single malt, Rhum Clément V.S.O.P. rum, Rittenhouse 21, Skyy 90, Yamazaki 18, and Domaine Charbay Pomegranate vodka are introduced.


Jamie Boudreau opens the craft bar Vessel in Seattle, Washington.

Wayne Curtis publishes And a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails.

Camper English pioneers “directional freezing” to make perfectly clear ice.

San Francisco Cocktail Week starts its first year.


Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller publish Mixologist: The Journal of the American Cocktail Vol. 1.


Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff, Steven Olson, Doug Frost, Paul Pacult, David Wondrich, and Andy Seymour open Beverage Alcohol Resource (BAR) in New York City.


The bartenders of Absinthe Brassiere & Bar publish Art of the Bar.


Dave Kaplan and Alex Day open Death + Co. on New Year’s Eve in New York City.


Lucid absinthe becomes the first wormwood absinthe allowed back into the United States after being banned for ninety-five years.


Sean Combs launches Ciroc vodka.

Tony Abou-Ganim publishes Modern Mixology.

The TV show Mad Men debuts and sparks a worldwide interest in classic cocktails.


Jim Meehan opens PDT in New York City, and the telephone booth entrance creates headlines.


Eric Seed brings crème de violette back into America after being unavailable for almost ninety years.


St. Germain Elderflower Liqueur, Chivas Regal 25, Absolut New Orleans, Kubler absinthe, Appleton Estate Reserve, 360 vodka, Grey Goose Le Poire, and Tanqueray Rangspur are introduced.


Greg Boehm begins to reproduce and publish vintage cocktail books.


Don Lee invents fat washing by infusing bacon with Bourbon and creates the Benton’s Old-Fashioned at PDT in New York City.


Donald Trump introduces Trump vodka (and he does not drink).


Colin Kimball launches the Small Screen Network bringing professional online bartending videos to the cocktail community.


Derek Brown opens the first stand-alone craft cocktail bar in DC, the Gibson, with Eric Hilton, one of the founding members of Thievery Corporation.


CeeLo Green introduces Ty Ku Sake.

David Wondrich publishes the James Beard Award–winning Imbibe!


Jared Brown and Anistatia Miller publish Mixologist: The Journal of the American Cocktail Vol. 2.


Tobin Ellis is selected as the number-one bartender in America to compete against Bobby Flay in his TV show Throwdown! with Bobby Flay, making Ellis the first successful award-winning flair bartender to cross over to the craft cocktail world.



The Sazerac becomes the official cocktail of New Orleans through Bill No. 6.

Julie Reiner opens Clover Club in Brooklyn, New York.

The Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull film debuts and Dan Aykroyd introduces Crystal Head vodka which comes in a glass skull head. Coincidence?


LXTV associated with NBC hosts a TV show sponsored by Absolut vodka titled On the Rocks: The Search for America's Top Bartender. The intro of the show says that there are more than 500,000 bartenders in America.


Sasha Petraske opens White Star absinthe bar in New York City.

Jeff “Beachbum” Berry publishes Sippin’ Safari.

Cocktail Kingdom is launched, selling high-quality master mixology bar tools.

Robert Hess publishes The Essential Bartender’s Guide.


Prairie organic vodka, Tru2 organic gin, Compass Box Hedonism Maximus Scotch, Cape North vodka, Jett vodka, Canadian Club 30, (ri)1 Kentucky Straight rye, Maestro Dobel Diamond tequila, Siembra Azul tequila, and 1800 Silver Select tequila are introduced.


Scott Beattie publishes Artisanal Cocktails.

Bridget Albert publishes Market Fresh Mixology.


Dale “King Cocktail” DeGroff publishes his second book, The Essential Cocktail.

Natalie Bovis publishes the first nonalcoholic craft mocktail book, Preggatinis: Mixology for the Mom-to-Be.



The Ritz-Carlton launches a new global “Bar Experience” that features an edible bar menu with a fresh twist on solid and traditional cocktails.


Los Angeles’s first craft bar, the Varnish, opens with bartender Eric Alperin. One year later, Alperin teaches actor Ryan Gosling how to make an Old-Fashioned for the 2011 film Crazy, Stupid, Love which combined with the popularity of the Mad Men Old-Fashioned sparks a new interest for a new generation and becomes the number-one most ordered cocktail of the year.


The Mai Tai becomes the official cocktail of Oakland, California.


Justin Timberlake introduces 9:01 Tequila. He names it 9:01 because he says that is the time when things start happening at night.


Absolut airs a bartender mixology TV show special called On the Rocks.
Tobin Ellis starts the world’s first pop-up speakeasy series called Social Mixology.

Sasha Petraske opens Dutch Kills in Long Island City, New York.


Dry Fly vodka, Stolichnaya Elit vodka, Charbay tequila, Evan Williams single barrel, Beefeater 24, Appleton 30, Double Cross vodka, Bluecoat gin, Vieux Carré absinthe, Bulldog gin, Citadelle Reserve, and Fruitlab organic liqueurs are introduced.


Ted Haigh publishes the second edition of Vintage Spirits and Forgotten Cocktails: From the Alamagoozlum to the Zombie 100 Rediscovered Recipes and the Stories Behind Them.


Rap star Ludacris introduces Conjure Cognac.


On November 6—to celebrate their fifteenth anniversary—Consejo Regulador del Tequila wins a Guinness World Record for the largest display of tequila at Hospicio Cabañas, Guadalajara, Mexico. They display 1,201 bottles of tequila from all the states in Mexico.






David Wondrich publishes Punch: The Delights (and Dangers) of the Flowing Bowl.


President Barack Obama and his wife went out for a “date night” to Havana, a Latino-inspired restaurant that serves some of the best Cuban drinks and food on the island and drank Grey Goose Martinis. 


Jeffrey Morgenthaler ages a barrel of Negronis and kick-starts the barrel-aged cocktail movement.


Moet-Hennessy put sleeves on all their products.


To celebrate the 200th anniversary of Frederic Chopin’s birth, Chopin Vodka unveiled a hand-blown, seven-foot tall, 200-liter glass bottle on the red carpet at the Santa Barbara International Film Festival (2010). It’s the largest bottle of liquor ever to be produced.


The Manhattan Cocktail Classic hosted its 1st year.


Angostura Bitters Shortage rose due to changes in Angostura’s ownership, cash flow problems, and production stoppages.


Portland hosted its first Portland Cocktail Week.


There was a march for mezcal in Portland, OR.


Sagatiba Cachaça launched in Lebanon, China and Russia.


In honor of Frank Sinatra’s would be 95th birthday, Social Mixology served old-school Ketel One Martinis prepared by Anthony Alba and Tobin Ellis as well as a tasting of the limited Angelo Lucchesi bottling of Jack Daniel’s.


London hosted its first London Cocktail Week.


Kanon Vodka launched, “Jello Shots in Tow.


Great Rum Debate took place on a boat between Oakland and San Francisco.


Darcy O’Neil publishes the award-winning book Fix the Pumps.


Cocktail Kingdom made it easy for non-residents of the Caribbean to buy actual swizzle sticks.


Chambord vodka, Zucca Amaro, Solerno blood orange liqueur, Maker’s 46, Evan Williams Cherry Reserve Kentucky, ZU Zubrowka Bison Grass vodka, Ransom Old Tom gin, Glenfiddich 40, Bacardi Reserva Limitada rum, Avión tequila, Dulce Vida tequila, Zwack Hungarian liqueur,  Eades Small Batch Speyside whisky, Conjure Cognac, Cognac Frapin Domaine Château de Fontpinot XO, Etude XO Alambic brandy, Galliano Ristretto, Bottega Sambuca d’Anice Stellato, Rökk vodka, Galliano L’Autentico, and Purity vodka are introduced.


Gläce Luxury Ice introduced their G3 (G-Cubed) 2” ice cubes. 


On January 8, in honor of Elvis’s would-be 75th birthday, Three-O Vodka put together cocktail recipes, Jailhouse on the Rocks, Blue Suede Shooters, All Shook Up, and The Hound Dog.


The Great Vodka Debate by the San Francisco USBG (United States Bartenders Guild) was the first of its kind.


Continental Airlines began offering Vodka Red Bull to their passengers.


Delta Airlines added new cocktails on their flights: Bourbon Breeze • Woodford Reserve Small Batch Bourbon, cranberry & apple juice, and a splash of orange juice with a lime wedge; Marseilles Manhattan • Bourbon, sweet vermouth, Angostura bitters, splash of Ricard, and brandied cherries; Tahitan Dream • Rhum J.M. Gold, Cointreau, orgeat syrup, fresh lime, and hibiscus sugar.


Virgin America Airlines offers these cocktails to their passengers: Pomegranate Martini, Mai Tai, and Margarita. All made with Stirrings mixers.

United Airlines offered their passengers a Sunrise Sunset made with Vodka, cranberry apple juice, a splash of orange juice, and a squeeze of lime They also offer a Mai Tai.


Zane Lamprey hosts an alcohol travel show, Three Sheets.

Tony Abou-Ganim publishes The Modern Mixologist.


New trends include slow cocktails (growing your own herbs at home and at the bar), barrel-aged cocktails, pre-Prohibition–style classic cocktails, cold maceration, molecular mixology, mezcal and tequila forward cocktails, punches, moonshine, genever, ginger beer, coconut water, almond milk, shrubs, honeycomb, gourmet bitters, organic products, quality vermouth, tiki bars, all types of ice, soda fountain equipment, siphons, Red Rover Bartenders (celebrity bartenders swapping/traveling to bartend at other bars), flair bartenders crossing over to mixology, spirit and cocktail classes, craft dive bars, cocktails on tap, regular bars with skilled bartenders and good drinks, food and cocktail pairings, and cocktail networking through social media.


Don Julio’s Blanco, Reposado, and Añejo bottles as well as their unique boxes debuted a new modernized, eye-catching design and a new logo that pays tribute to the brand’s namesake.


YouTuber turned Cooking Channel star—who also explores cocktails—hosts the TV show Nadia G’s Bitchin’ Kitchen.


Trader Vic’s offers a Mai Tai surfboard flight.


1000 bottles of Glenfiddich Snow Phoenix whisky were made available exclusively to members of the online club, Glenfiddich Explorers.


Medea Vodka from Holland is the first to release a bottle with a programmable LED display that can hold up to six different messages each with 255 characters.


The owners of the award-winning New York City bar Employees Only publish Speakeasy: The Employees Only Guide to Classic Cocktails Reimagined.


The Dry Martini Bar in Barcelona sells their one-millionth Martini on June 30. The cocktail bar has had a giant digital counter since 1978 that has been tracking the classic Martinis made with gin or vodka.

Stolichnaya Vodka launched a new ad campaign called Would You Have a Drink With You? , which featured celebrities with Playboy magnate Hugh M. Hefner.


Tiffany & Co. created 73 silver cups for the Kentucky Derby for Mint Juleps to be served in. They sold $1,000 each.

The AWOL machine was invented in the Uk and allowed to function in Australia for precisely one day (AWOL means Alcohol With Out Liquid: you inhale vaporized alcohol and get… vaporized).



Ryan Gosling makes an Old-Fashioned in the film Crazy, Stupid, Love, which results in the cocktail being ordered more than ever.


The cocktail competition Speed Rack is launched by Lynnette Morrero and Ivy Mix. 


On March 30, TGI Friday’s in the UK celebrate their twenty-fifth anniversary by breaking a world record. They had the most people cocktail flairing simultaneously for two minutes. The event was held outdoors at the Covent Garden Piazza in London with 101 flair bartenders wearing all black-and-red-and-white-striped ties.


Bacardi Oakheart, Angel’s Envy bourbon, Johnnie Walker Double Black, Drambuie 15, St. George gin, Hakushu Japanese whisky, Pierre-Ferrand 1840, Brugal 1888, Art in the Age Rhuby, Bols Barrel-Aged Genever, Grand Marnier Quintessence, High West double rye, High West Silver OMG Pure rye, No. 3 London dry, Knob Creek single barrel, and Ron De Jeremy rum (named after the porn star) are introduced.


Jim Meehan publishes The PDT Cocktail Book: The Complete Bartender’s Guide from the Celebrated Speakeasy.


Colin Peter Field publishes Le Ritz Paris—Une Histoire de Cocktails, which has a preface written by celebrity Kate Moss.


On February 11, the New World Trading Company hosts the world’s largest gin-tasting event with 796 participants across nine venues in London.


Jamie Boudreau opens his award-winning bar, Canon in Seattle, Washington.



Tony Conigliaro publishes the award-winning book Drinks.

Sammy Hagar introduces Sammy Hagar’s Beach Bar rum.


On July 13, Nick Nicora makes the world’s largest Margarita, taking the title away from Margaritaville in Las Vegas. Nicora makes it at the California State Fair; the drink is 10,499 gallons. It is made in a large cocktail shaker and sponsored by Jose Cuervo and Cointreau.

Ford’s gin, Templeton rye, High West Whiskey Campfire, L’Essence de Courvoisier, Western Son Texas vodka, Imbue Petal & Thorn vermouth, Amsterdam gin, Leopold Brothers Fernet, and Wahaka Madre Cuishe mezcal are introduced.


Philip Greene publishes To Have and Have Another: A Hemingway Cocktail Companion.



Tony Conigliaro’s award-winning 2012 book, Drinks, is reprinted and titled The Cocktail Lab: Unveiling the Mysteries of Flavor and Aroma in Drink, with Recipes.


Kenny Chesney introduces Blue Chair Bay rum.

Amy Stewart publishes the award-winning book The Drunken Botanist


Jim Beam Devil’s Cut, Montelobos mezcal, Penny Blue XO rum, Art in the Age Snap, Four Roses Single Barrel 2013, Woody Creek Colorado vodka, Kirk and Sweeney rum, St. George Dry Rye Reposado gin, Papa’s Pilar blonde rum, Pow-Wow botanical rye, New Columbia Distillers Green Hat Distilled gin, and George T. Stagg 2013 are introduced.


Award-winning bartender Charles Joly introduces a line of bottled cocktails called Crafthouse Cocktails Southside.

Jeff “Beachbum” Berry publishes Beachbum Berry’s Potions of the Caribbean.

George Clooney introduces Casamigos Tequila.


Diageo hosts the world’s largest cocktail-making class on September 18 in Barcelona with 1774 participants. It was run by global ambassador Kenji Jesse.


After sixteen years, Anistatia Miller and Jared Brown publish the second edition of Shaken Not Stirred: A Celebration of the Martini.



Kate Gerwin becomes the first winner to be crowned Bols Bartending World Champion.


Death & Co: Modern Classic Cocktails is published by Dave Kaplan and Nick Fauchald.

Ancho Reyes Chile liqueur, Mister Katz rock and rye, Green Spot Irish whiskey, Sapling Maple Bourbon, Roca Patron Anejo tequila, Anchor Old Tom gin, St. George California Reserve Agricole rum, High West A Midwinter Night’s Dram, A Smith Bowman Abraham Bowman Bourbon, Elijah Craig 23, and Tanqueray Old Tom gin are introduced.


The Smithsonian TV show The United States of Drinking is hosted by award-winning food writer Josh Ozersky.


On April 27, the 4-Jack’s Bar and Bistro in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, makes the world's largest Mojito with the Dominican rum Punta Cana. It takes forty people one hour and thirty-five minutes and contains 185 gallons of rum.


Jeffrey Morgenthaler publishes The Bar Book: Elements of Cocktail Technique.

The Savoy celebrates its 125th birthday on August 6.


In March, bartender Sheldon Wiley becomes the world’s fastest bartender by breaking the Guinness World Record for making the most cocktails in one hour. It is sponsored by Stoli vodka and the official rules are: each cocktail requires a minimum of three ingredients and no cocktail can be duplicated. He makes 1905 cocktails. The event is held at New York’s Bounce Sporting Club.



Salvatore “The Maestro” Calabrese publishes the second edition of Classic Cocktails.

Cocktails & Classics is hosted by Michael Urie and celebrity friends who watch and critique classic films while sipping cocktails.


David Wondrich publishes the second edition of Imbibe! Updated and Revised Edition: From Absinthe Cocktail to Whiskey Smash, a Salute in Stories and Drinks to “Professor” Jerry Thomas, Pioneer of the American Bar.


Crown Royal rye, Amaro di Angostura, La Caravedo pisco, Tanqueray Bloomsbury, Cynar 70, Encanto pisco, Rieger & Co. Midwestern Dry gin, Rieger & Co. Kansas City whiskey, Highspire pure rye, Grey Goose VX, Sipsmith gin, Redemption Rye Barrel Proof, Stiggins Plantation pineapple rum, Fernet Francisco, Caña Brava rum, Balsam American Amaro, Mr. Lyan Bottled Cocktails, Bacardi tangerine rum, Portobello gin, and Small Hand Foods Yeoman tonic syrups are introduced.


The owners of the award-winning New York City bar Dead Rabbit publish The Dead Rabbit Drinks Manual: Secret Recipes and Barroom Tales from Two Belfast Boys Who Conquered the Cocktail World.


Philip Greene publishes an updated version of To Have and Have Another: A Hemingway Cocktail Companion.


Chris McMillian and his wife, Laura open their first bar, Revel Café & Bar in New Orleans.



Jamie Boudreau, the owner of the award-winning Seattle bar Canon, publishes The Canon Cocktail Book: Recipes from the Award-Winning Bar.


Jack Daniel’s 150th Anniversary; Three Olives pink grapefruit, pineapple, and pear vodka; Cockspur old gold rum; Life of Reilley Disco Lemonade; Clayton Bourbon; Bird Dog chocolate whiskey; Old Home maple whiskey; Don Q 151 rum; Jameson Cooper’s Croze; Mount Gay XO; Brooklyn gin; Crown Royal honey; Yukon Jack Wicked Hot; E. J. peach brandy; Pau Maui pineapple vodka; Uncle Bob’s root beer whiskey, Laphroig 15, and Jack Daniel’s single barrel rye are introduced.


Robert Simonson publishes A Proper Drink.


Owners of the award-winning San Francisco bar Smuggler's Cove, Martin and Rebecca Cate, publish Smuggler’s Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum, and the Cult of Tiki.


Billy Gibbons from the band ZZ Top introduces Pura Vida tequila.


Chris McMillian and Elizabeth M. Williams publish Lift Your Spirits: A Celebratory History of Cocktail Culture in New Orleans.


Sasha Petraske’s Regarding Cocktails is published by his widow, Georgette.


The Cocktail World Today—and Beyond

Between 2000 and 2010, the craft cocktail movement was in its infancy stage. Bar owners replicated the décor, style, fashion, and ambiance from either of two—significant—previous cocktail time periods: the first golden age of cocktails (1860–1919) or American Prohibition (1920–1933). Around 2010, bar owners had a light bulb moment and thought, “Hey! I don’t have to look like a 1800s saloon or a speakeasy to produce fresh quality cocktails because that’s the way cocktails should be made anyway.” That self-realization (the message pioneers were trying to communicate all along) was the spark needed for millennials to create fresh cocktails for all other types of bars. In 2005, there were only around thirty fresh craft bars in all of America, and in 2018, there are over 500. The craft cocktail pioneers should be very proud of this achievement.


What does the crystal ice ball predict for the future toddler, teenage, and adult stages of the second golden age of cocktails? Will robots replace bartenders? Will future bartenders become eco-conscious exploring ways to recycle the massive amounts of straws, cups, pics, and bottles dumped in landfills every day? Can bartenders cease stoking the embers of their wannabe-famous egos and simply live balanced lives, be good at their jobs, and understand the bottom line of hospitality? Will bars with fresh crafted cocktails be commonplace for the masses? Will tipping stop? Well, as for robots, probably not, because humans are social beings. Even high-tech futuristic fantasy shows such as Star Trek, which has the technological advances to build robot bartenders, choose not to. As millennials take over the cocktail wheel, it is safe to assume that they will follow their bartender ancestors’ example—and boldly go where no one has gone before.

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1912 年的老式明信片,描绘了时代广场的阿斯托利亚酒店。这家酒店为世界各地的鸡尾酒设立了标准 苏珊·劳·凯恩/

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爵士歌手、词曲作者和乐队领队 Cab Calloway |摄影节


Victor Bergeron 又名 Trader Vic 照片 来自。


皇家赌场的第 1 版封面符合 Wikipedia 合理使用法。您可以在亚马逊上以 500 美元的价格购买一台。


哈里·易 (Harry Yee) 100 岁生日 2018 年的庆祝活动在 希尔顿夏威夷村。餐饮经理给了我这张照片。


1970 年代的尼尔·默里。尼尔·默里的照片

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1989 年第一个天才调酒比赛冠军约翰“JB”班迪的第一个天才调酒视频 (VHS)。照片来自 JB 班迪


照片来自 Kathy

Bay Guardian August 1992 Paul Harrington

旧金山海湾卫士 文章由保罗提供 哈林廷。

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Paul Harrington 和 Laura Moorhead,开创性的 1998 年鸡尾酒书籍《鸡尾酒:21 世纪的饮品圣经》的作者。照片来自保罗哈灵顿。


Julio Bermejo 的 Facebook 页面上的照片。



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纽约市屡获殊荣的员工专属酒吧。这张照片是EO给我的。这张照片是由 Emilie Baltz 拍摄的。


Chad Solomon、Christy Pope 和 Sasha Petraske 在 2009 年鸡尾酒故事中。照片由 Bruce Tomlinson 拍摄。



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2014 Ted A. Breaux 在法国索穆尔的 Combier Distillery 酒厂清洗古董苦艾酒蒸馏器,蒸馏翡翠苦艾酒

照片来自 Ted A. Breaux。


屡获殊荣的调酒师、调酒师、酒店顾问和酒吧设备设计师 Tobin Ellis。托宾·埃利斯的照片。


Bridgett Albert 和她的 Market Fresh Mixology 书。照片来自他的 Facebook 页面。

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Darcy O'Neil 的 2010 年获奖书,Fix the Pumps。保罗·米切尔的封面。

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照片来自 蒂姆·特纳工作室拍摄的 Tony Abou-Ganim 

杰米·布德罗 (Jamie Boudreau) 在华盛顿州西雅图的佳能。杰米·布德罗的照片。

2017 年获奖饮品作家和历史学家 Anistatia Miller 和 Jared Brown。

照片来自 Anistatia Miller 和 Jared Brown。


2014 年 Kate Gerwin 来自她的 Facebook 页面。

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2011 屡获殊荣的鸡尾酒作家和饮料历史学家 David Wondrich。丹尼·瓦尔迪兹摄。


2016 Chris McMillian 在 Revel 咖啡馆和酒吧。沙龙艺术家 Jill DeGroff 的作品。图片来自 Revel Cafe & Bar Facebook 页面。

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